Defendencia (Politics) – Wikipedia, free encyclopedia

The dependence , in a political sense, it is a subject to support in which a state entity or a national community is located, of another state entity, so that its will is annulled or limited to make fundamental decisions. According to the type of support, it is distinguished between political dependence proper, economic dependence , and cultural dependence However, it consists in debt.

The political concept of dependence It opposes independence. In turn, the ideas of dependence It is independence They are intimately related to the idea and the phenomenon of nation and constantly refer to it and their rights. The modern nation-state, as the right of peoples to their self-determination, and the legal equality of the nation-states, are direct consequences of the dynamics independence-dependence that led to the end of colonialism.

Linked to the broad processes of globalization and regionalization, the term has begun to be used more recently «Interdependence» , in certain opportunities to cancel the idea of ​​independence and others to limit it.

In the history of political ideas the concept of “independence” It appeared among the British colonies in North America to react against European colonialism, in which the decisions that affected American settlers were troils taken from the chips also taken in Britain, without any participation of those. The tea tax that generated the revolution is a clear example of this.

Political independence showed that in addition to the State, there are multiple mechanisms for a nation to be subject to another or does not have full decision -making capacity, mainly economic and cultural. It was only then that the term began to be used “dependence” , proper, to refer to the mechanical nachas of economic dependence and cultural dependence. Of course, in practice all dependency mechanisms are related to each other ..

Types of dependence [ To edit ]

Political dependence [ To edit ]

In universal history, political dependence is mainly associated with European colonialism. The independence of the United States in 1776 launched a generalized process to fight colonial dependence worldwide, during the nineteenth and twentieth century that led to the creation of around 200 states-nation.

Economic dependence [ To edit ]

Economic dependence is one that since inaccurate times have been giving throughout the world since its creation. It is nothing more than the coercion in effect of the economy outside our person or to our nation, in intercontinently covered post -enclosure in the statutes and codes in force in the world. Not everything is a form of strictiness but is something deeper and reaches beyond human reason

Cultural dependence [ To edit ]

Interdependence [ To edit ]

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Ruiz García, Enrique (1969). The third World . Alliance, Madrid.
  • Sartre, Jean Paul (1970). Colonialism and neocolonialism. Losada, Bs. As.
  • Van Kol, Henri (1978). About colonial policy , in ‘the second international and the national and colonial problem’. Past and present, Mexico.
  • Informe MacBride Communication and Society Today and Tomorrow, Many Voices One World, Towards a new more just and more efficient world information and communication order . Kogan Page, London/Unipus, New York/UNESCO, PARAS. UNESCO, 1980. (en inglés)

See also [ To edit ]