FEFALDUTION TUKUE – SpeedyLook encyclopedia

The terms fetal death and death They are used in health sciences to refer to the fact that a fetus dies within the uterus with a weight greater than 500 grams or with gestational development for more than 20 weeks; [ 2 ] That is, when it has reached such a development that, in optimal conditions, life outside the uterus could have been possible. Most fetal deaths occur in the third quarter of pregnancy, and there is talk of Early fetal death When it occurs in the second quarter or, more precisely, when the weight is less than 1000 grams or when the development is less than 28 weeks. There is talk of abortion When the weight of the embryo or fetus is less than 500 grams or the development of gestation is less than 20 weeks. Most abortions occur in the first quarter, and there is talk of Late abortion When it occurs in the second quarter. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]

It is usually the lack of movement of the fetus.

Diagnosis [ To edit ]

The dead fetus, when born is called Mortinato (“Born Dead”, literally). Until the end of the 20th century, the diagnosis of fetal death was only certain after birth, by verifying that, after the complete separation of the mother, he did not breathe or show other evidence of life, such as heartbeat, the heart Umbilical cord pulsation or the movement of voluntary muscles. Today, ultrasound allows the diagnosis of fetal death within the uterus (confirming the absence of heart activity) and also allows the estimation of the size of the fetus. [ 3 ]

As of 2016, there is no international classification system for fetal death causes. [ 5 ] The causes of a large percentage of morinates are unknown, even in cases where exhaustive tests and autopsy have been performed. A term that is rarely used to describe them is “sudden prenatal death syndrome”, or SADS, a phrase coined in 2000. [ 6 ] Many morinates occur in term in apparently healthy mothers, and a post -mortem evaluation reveals a cause of death in approximately 40% of autopsy. [ 7 ] The majority (98%) of the Mortinatos are produced in low and medium income countries. Many disorders associated with intrauterine fetal death are potentially modifiable and often coexist, such as maternal infections (attributable fraction of the population: paludism 8.0% and 7.7% syphilis). [ 8 ] In a large majority of cases the causes remain unknown, even if multiple tests are practiced to the mother and autopsy to the morinate. The following have been identified as possible:

Treatment [ To edit ]

An intrauterine fetal death does not usually represent immediate risk for women, so, since childbirth usually begins spontaneously in two weeks, women can choose to wait, unless the idea of ​​wearing a dead fetus is traumatizing, in which case, in which case, You can choose childbirth induction. If they spend more than two weeks, then a risk of developing coagulation disorders may appear so, after this time, childbirth induction is recommended. Childbirth must be vaginal, leaving caesarean section for cases of complications.

Emotional approach [ To edit ]

The majority of women who lose their child in their pregnancies feel misunderstood by trivialization with which people in their social environment refer to what happened, in phrases like “you will already have another.” For the mother who has lost a future child, that being was important and had an entity in itself that is not substitutable by another. Accompaniment is more recommended from the recognition of pain in the direction of acceptance as a process of loss and as a process of maturation and growth. Actually, as with the death of any loved one. For example, it is recommended that professionals offer the couple possibility that they see the Mortinato so that a ritual farewell can take place that, by marking a before and after, allows the psychological grieving process to take place. [ 13 ]

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

  1. «What are the risk factors for stillbirth?». https://www.nichd.nih.gov/ (in English). Retrieved on October 28, 2021.
  2. “Spontaneous abortion.” . MedlinePlus . Retrieved on May 19, 2018 .
  3. a b «Protocol: above fetal death» . Spanish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. June, 2008.
  4. Intrauterine mortality , It
  5. LEISHER, SUSANANH HOPKINS; Teoh, Zheyi; Reinebrant, hanna; Allanson, Emma; Blencowe, Hannah; Exercise, Jan Jaap; FROUPS, J. FROUPS; Gardosi, jason et al. (September 15, 2016). «Classification systems for causes of stillbirth and neonatal death, 2009–2014: an assessment of alignment with characteristics for an effective global system» . BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16 (1): 269. ISSN  1471-2393 . PMC  5025539 . PMID  27634615 . doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-1040-7 . Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  6. Collins, Jason H. (February 1, 2002). «Umbilical cord accidents: Human studies» . Seminars in Perinatology . Stillbirth After 20 Weeks (in English) 26 (1): 79-82. ISSN  0146-0005 . doi: 10.1053/SPER.2002.29860 . Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  7. Cacciatore, Joanne (1 de enero de 2007). «A phenomenological exploration of stillbirth and the effects of ritualization on maternal anxiety and depression» . ETD collection for University of Nebraska – Lincoln : 1-262 . Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  8. LAWN, JOY E .; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; Amou., Ag share; Maths, Colin; Hogan, Dan; Fllenady, vicki; FROUPS, J. FROUPICS et al. (February 6, 2016). «Stillbirths: rates, risk factors, and acceleration towards 2030» . The Lancet (in English) 387 (10018): 587-603. ISSN  0140-6736 . PMID  26794078 . doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736 (15) 00837-5 . Retrieved on October 28, 2021 .
  9. Tersigni C, Castellani R, de Waure C, Fattoosci A, de Spirito M, Gasbarrini A, Exchange G, of Simone N (2014). «Celiac disease and reproductive disorders: meta-analysis of epidemiologic associations and potential pathogenic mechanisms» . Human Reproduction Update 20 (4): 582-593. ISSN  1355-4786 . PMID  24619876 . doi: 10.1093/humupd/dmu007 .
  10. Satherca G, Berghella V, Venezia l, Ghceran As, GHashan As, GHashan As, GHashan, ph, natcarthy l, Ghceran as, Gheco l, F (201elli pmonnata) for Martinelli account. «Celiac disease and obstetric complications: a systematic review and metaanalysis» . Am J Obstet Gynecol . Enable: s0002-9375 (15): 01198-1. PMID  26432464 . doi: 10.1016/J.AJOG.2015.09.080 .
  11. Collins JH (M.D.). “Silent Risk: Issues About the Human Umbilical Cord” Retrieved on 2009-3-17
  12. Bythell M, et al. (2008) The contribution of late termination of pregnancy to stillbirth rates in Northern England, 1994-2005. The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 115(5):664-666
  13. Santos Leal, Emilio; Claramunt Armengau, M. Àngels; Álvarez, Mónica; Jové, Rosa (2009). The empty crib, the painful process of losing pregnancy . The sphere of books. ISBN 9788497348508 . Filed from the original May 23, 2010.