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Hypsiboas pretty

State of conservation

Minor concern (IUCN 3.1)
Kingdom: Animal
Row: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Brings
Family: Hylidae
Gender: Hypsiboas
Species: Hypsiboas pretty
(Duméril & Bibron, 1841)

Rang (Bibron, 1843)
Hyla albovittata (Lichtenstein y Martens, 1856)
Hyla bractor (Hensel, 1867)
Hyla leucomelas (Duméril & Bibron, 1841)
Hyla leucotaenia (Burmeister, 1861)
Hyla MOCQUARDI (Günther, 1901)
Hyla pretty (Dumérile and Bibron, 1841)
Hyla pretty pretty (Barrio, 1965)
Hyla Vautieri (Bibron, 1843)
SCINAX VAUTIERI (Duellman, 1993)
Hypsiboas pretty (Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell y Wheeler, 2005)
Boana Pulchella (Wiens, Fetzner, Parkinson y Reeder, 2005)

The Day Zarzal ( Hypsiboas pretty ) It is a kind of amphibians of the Hylidae family.


In Argentina (goonos Aires, Córdoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Entre Ríos, Misiones, Misiones.
Neuquén, Río Negro and Santa Fe) Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.


Their natural habitats include low altitude meadows, partially flooded grasslands, intermittent freshwater lakes, intermittent foster water and pastures. His survival is not in danger according to the IUCN.

It is abundant in the middle, especially in the wetlands of the Reconquista river basin, its visualization is difficult due to its small size (which in males that are slightly smaller than females, measuring between 35 mm and 45 mm, while That females can exceed 50 mm and their mimicry power since, they do it slowly, it is able to change their coloration, which can range from the bright light green, to the uniform cinnamon or with brown spots.

Back from green emerald to brown and white; unique and yellow vocal bag; Internal surfaces of light or reddish violet limbs with dark spots.

Reproduction [ To edit ]

Its coloration begins to change during the start of the mating season (September, October and November in its early days)
In autumn and winter there are brown males and females half -brown gray.
The males change their brown brown color to a bright yellow, retaining brown parts, females change from grayish brown to an apple green retaining black spots on their sides.
It is believed that these color changes refer to the health and age of the anuro, there is also a possibility that they are to impress the couple or attract females.

In his reproduction stage his call is very sound, metallic and musical, produced by the rapid vibration of the vocal strings that are amplified by the vocal sack.

Hypsiboas pretty hembra.

In this frog as in most class species, fertilization is external, and mating is performed by amplexo and sperm reach the ovules, put in the water, as the female emits them. Its reproduction begins at the beginning of spring in lent and open bodies of water; deposits between 600-900 brown and small eggs.

Renacuajos of Hypsiboas Pulchellus raised in captivity in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The eggs that integrate the setting are expelled in masses protected by gelatinous wrapped.

In the water, the embryos develop inside the eggs, for approximately 2 weeks.
Finally, from each fertilized egg a larva called reborn comes out.

During its reborn phase, which is comparatively longer than that of another species, consumes algae and microscopic animals, but in the adult state it is very voracious and eats everything invertebrate that this in motion, especially insects and arachnids. It has in turn many predators such as fish, birds, snakes, schozers, lizards, etc.

Life in captivity [ To edit ]

To have these frogs in captivity it is necessary to build a terrarium, many high plants and little land with a part of water are needed, since this species is army and it is not common to find them on the ground.
For a good reproduction in captivity you need to have artificial rain and three males are recommended for each female, since the males fight for the female and said fight stimulates it and favors the generation of eggs inside.

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]