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VIDAYANES It is a Spanish town and municipality in the province of Zamora, in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. [ 2 ]

The entire municipal term is integrated into the ZEPA Penillanuras-South Campos.

The name of Vidayanes is, in the opinion of Riesco Chueca, of personal origin. Thus, it appears registered as Vidayañez in the 16th century. However, the previous appointments are diverse: UidaInez and Lifeianes (In 1182 in documentation of the Monastery of Moreruela), Uidaianes (1184 in Sahagún), Lifeianes , Emptying , «Villa that is among Castrogonçalo y la lamprea» (1139 in documents of La Ordin de San Juan), Vidalenes (1151), Uidallanes (1155 in Eslonza documentation), Uidaianes (1182), Vidoyanez , Vidallanes O Video (1223 y 1310 en documentación Cartadracitia de Astorga), Lifeianes , Vidallanes (1233, Order of San Juan). «Vidallanes [also vidalanes], which is territory of Lampreana et inter fortugnolla et villanova» (1128 order of San Juan), Ashlars [= Way to Uidianes], place in Revellinos (1458 in documentation of the Monastery of Villalobos). In Astorga: Villa de Veiga et Vidalianes .

There is also a number of toponymic surnames related to this name. Thus, in Documentation of the Priory of San Marcos de León it is collected Metropolis de UillaDanes = Metropolis uidamanes (1206, 1207), Peter uidaianes (1221). Also, in an appointment in Galician of the Sobrado monastery, the interesting way Uidalais (1199).

Así, Riesco Chueca Proponi Una Genitive Form (Villa), about El Anthroponimo Vitalian , development of the very frequent personal name Vital . It is a palatalization of l before yod, which would give a side [ll], but unlike the subsequent evolution in Spanish to a sonora > straw, muliere> woman), it would be assimilated, in the consonant system of Leonese, to a central palatal. There are onomastic precedents collected in the documentation of the Cathedral of León: together with the Esla, a witness Utalianus, Priest (941); Bitaliano (986); Also in the Santiago area a Uilla Utaliani (899). And Vitalian Cebriannez Personero of the Archbishop of Tarragona, in the history of Spain of Alfonso X (Ca. 1270). Vitalia , Women’s name (in the Cathedral Archives of León and Monastas de Sahagún of the 908 and 954 respectively). In Asturias, a place name Vidayán It would be of the same origin, and perhaps they are also the villages of Vidalén (Montederramo, Orense) O Vidallón (en fool of the courel, lugo), siendo this ultimately documented La Aldea Uitalion documented in 1002. [ 3 ]

Although the human presence in the area is closely linked to the exploitation that the Romans made of salt, the existence of lifeyanes is not documented to the repopulating process carried out by the kings of León in the Middle Ages, when the town was repopulated , that in the twelfth century it appears documented indistinctly as Lifeianes , Emptying , Uidaianes , Uidallanes , Vidalenes , Uidaianes O Vidallanes .

The place initially belonged to the Benavente’s entrustment of the Order of San Juan, to which it was ceded by King Ferdinand II of León in the year 1174. However, later Vidayanes was integrated into the Alfoz of Villafáfila, as attest in 1310, when the dependency of Vidayanes of the “Cillero de Villafáfila” is collected. [ 4 ]

Already in the nineteenth century, the territorial division of Spain in 1833 framed Vidayanes in the province of Zamora, within the Leonese region, which, like all the Spanish regions of the time, lacked administrative competences. [ 5 ] After the 1978 Constitution, this municipality became part of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, while belonging to the province of Zamora. [ 6 ]

Demography [ To edit ]

Demographic Evolution Graph between 1900 and 2019

Source: National Institute of Spain – Elaboration graphics by Wikipedia.

  • Church of San Juan Bautista

    Church of San Juan Bautista . Built in the 12th century in Romanesque style. It is striking his robust tower and at the top of the door you can see a shield of the order of San Juan, to which the town was ceded in 1174 by Fernando II de León. The temple contains unquestionable elements of interest, such as the splendid artisany of the main nave, and an ochavada armor that combines mudejar features and Renaissance influences (16th century). In the Testero the coat of arms of the Bailío of the Order Fray Pedro de Cárdenas (16th century) is discovered. It also highlights the triumphant arch, totally covered with elaborate wall paintings, discovered when the numerous layers of lime that covered them are removed.

  • PALOMARES . They rise isolated around the town in large numbers, having them in different ways, highlighting among them a rectangular one for the fantasy of their openwork crest and auction crestern.
  • Los Vegas oven . It is located semioculto in the solana of some rounded hills, in the case of a cupular construction, built with tapial and brick, with a circular plan covered with a striking dome.

The main celebration of this town is San Juan, which is also its patron. This party is commemorated on June 24.

References [ To edit ]

  1. Diputación de Zamora, ed. (March 11, 2015). «City Hall of Vidayanes: definitive approval of the general budget corresponding to the year 2015.» . Consulted on March 13, 2015 .
  2. Diputación de Zamora, our municipalities: Vidayanes
  3. Riesco Chueca, Pascual (2010). Institute of Zamoranos Studies Florián de Ocampo, Diputación de Zamora, ed. New Zamorana Toponymy conjectures . pp. 416-417. Filed from the original July 20, 2011 . Retrieved on January 5, 2017 .
  4. Martínez Sopena, Pascual (1985). Cultural Institution Simancas, ed. The Earth of Western Campos: Population, Power and Community from the 10th to XIII Century . p. 194. «On the Alfoz de Villafáfila, different mentions include in it the places of Otero de Sariegos, revellinos de Campos and San Agustín de Valderaduey. These places and others (Villarigo, Vidayanes, Sobradillo) appear as part of the so -called “Villafáfila Cillero” in 1310. ”
  5. «Royal Decree of November 30, 1833 on the Civil Division of Spanish Territory in the Peninsula and adjacent islands in 49 provinces» . Gazette of Madrid . 1833.
  6. State administration (November 30, 2007). «Organic Law 14/2007, of November 30, on the reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Castilla y León» . Official Gazette of Castilla y León , supplement to no. 234, of December 3, 2007 . Madrid: Junta de Castilla y León.

external links [ To edit ]