Management of Archives – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A system of file management is he software which provides users and services for use, access, access and control of access, both files and directories.

Initial concepts [ To edit ]

  • The file management system is considered part of the operating system
  • Input applications are many times files
  • The applications output is recorded in files to store them for a very long period.
  • The programmer does not need to develop a file management system

Used terms [ To edit ]

  • Field: Basic element of information, contains a value, has a type of data and a length.
  • Registration: Collection of related fields; It is a unit.
  • Computer Archive: Collection of related records; It is a unit; It has a unique name; Your access can be restricted.
  • Dates base. Colección of related dates.
  • Ensure that file information is valid.
  • Optimize access to files.
  • Provide I/O support a variety of storage devices.
  • Deliver the data that the user asks for.
  • Minimize or eliminate potential data loss.
  • Provide a standard set of I/O routines.
  • Proveer SOPORT from E/O to User Multiples.
  • Classification by subjects or affairs.

Basic requirements [ To edit ]

  • Users should be able to create, read, delete and change files.
  • Users may have control of other users’ files.
  • Users control what type of access they give to other users.
  • Users can order their files according to their problem (directories).
  • Users can move information between files.
  • Users must be able to make a copy of support and restore it in case of a disaster.
  • Users can access files with symbolic names (in Windows Direct Access).

Devices drivers [ To edit ]

  • They are low level routines.
  • They communicate directly with the peripheral.
  • He is responsible for starting I/O operations with the device.
  • It also processes the end of I/O operations.

Basic file system [ To edit ]

  • Performs and/s physical.
  • Make data block exchange.
  • Make the placement of data blocks.
  • Make block buffering with the main memory.

Basic Supervisor of E/S [ To edit ]

  • Responsible for the start and term of a file I/O.
  • Maintain control structures.
  • Perform planning to obtain optimal performance.
  • It is part of the operating system.

File management functions. [ To edit ]

  • Identify and locate a file.
  • Use a directory (as a telephone directory) to describe the location and attributes of a file.
  • Controls several users to the files.
  • Block file use.
  • Ubica files in free blocks.
  • Manage free space.

Organization of directories [ To edit ]

  • You have a master directory with user directories within the master board.
  • Each user directory can contain subdirectories and files.
  • The files can be located following the Director Route from the Master Board (ROOT).
  • The directories route is known as Path.
  • You can have several files with the same name located on different routes.
  • The directory where the user is located is the labor directory.
  • The files are referenced regarding the work directory lack of text.

Lotus Notes

Service providers [ To edit ]