National Park Center Königsstuhl-Wikipedia

National Park Center Königsstuhl

National Park Center Königsstuhl

Location Sassnitz
opening 2004
Visitor 256,000 (2014)
Surface 28,000 square meters (outdoor area)
Nationalpark-Zentrum Königsstuhl

Lage des Parks

The National Park Center Königsstuhl is the visitor center of the Jasmund National Park on the island of Rügen. It was opened in 2004. His task is to convey information about the national park and make the peculiarity and beauty of nature tangible for visitors without significantly damaging the ecology of the national park.

The center offers an experience exhibition, a multivision cinema and other offers and events in the outdoor area. The namesake is the nearby Kreidefelsen Königsstuhl.
The operator of the center is the National Park Center Königsstuhl Sassnitz gGmbH whose shareholders are the environmental foundation WWF Germany and the city of Sassnitz.

In the period from the opening in March 2004 to July 2015, over 3 million visitors saw the exhibition.

Due to the fascination with the imposing chalk cliffs, there was already a need for some amenities in this striking place in the 19th century. In 1835, under the direction of Karl Friedrich Schinkel, an inn made of wood in Swiss style was built. After this building burned down several times and was rebuilt, it was decided to build a stone hotel in 1893. This preserved building has been converted for the exhibition of the National Park Center. Around 1900 it served as an inn and as a post station. In the Second World War around 1943 it served as a hospital. Later it occupied the Red Army. The GDR border troops (border brigade coast) later used these buildings as barracks. Other bunkers and a watchtower were built on the site.

In 1990, the GDR Ministerial Council decided to declare this area as a national park. The site was broke until 1999 and the buildings fell into disrepair. In 2000 the watch tower and the barracks (except for one) were torn down. Since another inn should be built for tourists, the WWF Germany, the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the city of Sassnitz founded the Stubnitzhaus Sassnitz gGmbH . A project was launched to build a nature information center. Today’s Königsstuhl National Park Center was opened in March 2004.

The National Park Office of Vorpommern is responsible for the Jasmund National Park. The employees of the National Park Office act to protect the natural region. They take care of visitor facilities (paths, stairs, etc.) and their traffic safety, as well as environmental education projects.

In contrast, the Königsstuhl National Park Center should make the peculiarity and beauty of nature immediately experienced for visitors and convey interesting facts about the national park.

A compromise with the national park idea is made here. Because nature should be able to develop according to their own laws without human influences, interventions and influences should be minimized as possible. With the help of the National Park Center, however, visitors can be enabled to actively experience nature and enjoy silent relaxation without harm.

The center pursues a uniform concept of environmental protection. Environmental protection should not only be part of the hiring of all employees, but also include all areas of the center such as the building materials used, the operation of the restaurant and the paper used in the office or for print media.

View platform Königsstuhl [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The viewing platform on the Königsstuhl

The Königsstuhl, one of the most impressive rocks on Rügen chalk coast, is located inside the site of the National Park Center. There is a viewing platform here that can be reached via a few stages. There is a listed gun grave under this platform.

Experience exhibition [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The 2,000 m² exhibition shows exhibits such as aquariums and an iceberg glacier under the motto of a journey through time.
The exhibition is directed using an interactive headphone system. There are three time travel to choose from for adults. There is a trip for children: Mimi, the mouse and Krax, the raven accompany the little ones with funny stories and child-friendly explanations through the experience exhibition. You visit z. B. the roofs in his construction and feel mice underground.

Multivisionskino [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The moderator Dirk Steffens explains the phenomenon of the old beech forests on four screens. The film tries to clearly convey the UNESCO World Heritage to the guests. “The hike of the old beech forests” in the multivision cinema takes 15 minutes; The snail -shaped cinema hall offers space for around 70 spectators.

Outdoor area [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

On the outdoor area of ​​28,000 square meters there are other attractions for children and adults, such as climbing trees, a playhouse, giant swing, the open-air stage with the National Park Theater (performances in July and August), an exhibition on the painting “Kreidefelsen on Rügen” by Caspar David Friedrich and the UNESCO World Heritage window.

hikes [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Hiking and bike paths enable the national park to be attended on your own. The National Park Center also offers guided hikes and short tours. In addition to the standard hikes, there are thematic hikes that are also based on the seasons.

Disabled friendliness [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The National Park Center has been disabled-friendly. Through elevators, the disabled and wheelchair users also get to all rooms in the exhibition. The floor coverings are non -slip.
All offers in the outdoor area are accessible to wheelchair users, with the exception of the Königsstuhl. There is a gnab from the Bronze Age directly below the levels to the viewing platform, so that due to monument protection, structural changes are not possible at this point.

The shuttle bus from the Hagen car park is a low -floor bus and therefore suitable for wheelchair users.
For blind visitors there is the leaflet “National Park Jasmund, chalk cliffs by the sea” in the Braille script.

Dogs [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Dogs are allowed in the national park and on the site of the center if they are led on a leash. The center building can also be entered with dogs, but the experience exhibition and the multivision cinema are prohibited for dogs because these rooms were designed. Disabled attitudes are excluded from this regulation.

Zero emission concept [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Königsstuhl National Park Center was designed as a zero emissions house.

The house is supplied by a photovoltaic system. Since the center is in one of the sunniest places in Germany, the system can produce up to 18 kW. In order to use the geothermal energy for energy generation for heating, air conditioning and warm water, a geothermal system was installed on the outdoor area of ​​the National Park Center.
New technologies ensure sustainable handling of drinking water. The drainage concept is determined by a strict separation of the wastewater according to the degree of contamination. Wastewater is derived using free grades, a fat separator is fed and forwarded to the preliminary explanation of the plantworth as a plant. The water that is so cleaned corresponds to its limit values ​​of the EU bathing water guideline. The cleaned water is used exclusively for a second use as a rinse water for toilets.

You can drive to the Königsstuhl to the large car park Hagen by car to about three kilometers. From there it continues by bus. Alternatively, the Königsstuhl can be reached on foot on a well -developed hiking trail in about 45 minutes. In order to reduce the traffic volume in the national park, it is recommended to switch to buses outside the borders of the national park. The VVR buses drive directly to the National Park Center and also offer combination tickets.

The most important public road in the national park leads from Sassnitz via Hagen and Nipmerow to Lohme and cuts the national park in the north-south direction. This street has a branch at the Hagen Baumhaus to Stubbenkammer and thus to the National Park Center.
However, this branch is closed to general vehicle traffic between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The passage is then only permitted for cyclists, carriages, buses, handicapped vehicles, supply and disposal vehicles as well as vehicles from the national park administration.

There is a fundamental ban on parking and holding inside the national park and outside the marked areas. Further parking spaces are located in the Stadthafen car park in Sassnitz and at the entrance to the national park next to Stubbenkammerstrasse.

In the national park there is a general route. Visitors hike mainly in the Stubbenkammer, the forest hall and on the high bank. There are well -signposted hiking trails with a total length of 43 kilometers. When developing nature on foot, the guiding principle of the national park applies. This says that the largest possible and coherent calm zones are created and preserved.
To get to the beach, there are three descents from the Hochuferweg. The wooden stairs are located on the banks of the Hanken between Lohme and the Königsstuhl, on the Kiel bank and on the stallion. Two other descents outside the national park are located on the National Park border with Sassnitz am Wedding, another in Lohme. Only these descents are approved.

  • Carsten Hertwig, Ralf Röchert: For the birthday on March 18, 2004: The Königsstuhl National Park Center on Rügen opens its doors . In: National park . No. 123 , 2004, S. 42–44 .