Nunium Jimena – SpeedyLook encyclopedia

Nun , Nunila , O Nunilona , Cognomento Jimena (m. After November 25, 913 and before 917), he is a character of doubtful existence. From the interpretation of certain documents and inscriptions, some authors consider Nunil They deny the existence of this queen.

Father Enrique Flórez said that Queen Nunilo was the daughter of King Sancho Garcés II of Pamplona and her wife, Queen all Aznárez. However, said affiliation has been denied by various modern historians, who point out that Queen Aznar was The wife of Sancho Garcés I of Pamplona and not of Sancho Garcés II. In addition, they point out that neither King Sancho Garcés I could be the father of Queen Nunilo Jimena, because he does not appear as her daughter in the documents of the time, nor Codex of Rodda .

For their part, other authors point out that she was the daughter of King Jimeno Garcés de Pamplona and his wife, Sancha Aznárez. [ 4 ] However, the historian Manuel Rubén García Álvarez argues that the references on Nunilo, whose nickname or cognomtent was Jimena, are “very doubtful authenticity.” [ a ]

Nunilo would have married King Fruela de Asturias before the year 910, since this is the date that appears in the registration of the AGATA box. According to this registration, the Arche was donated to the Cathedral of San Salvador de Oviedo by the “Servant of Christ Fruela and Cognomento Jimena” ( Christmas Froila and Nunilo Cognomento Scemena ). However, the aforementioned historian, García Alvárez, points out that, because his royal condition is not indicated, it is not reasonable to the cathedral of San Salvador de Oviedo.

Death and burial [ To edit ]

The date on which he would have died is unknown. In 986 his remains had to be transferred, along with those of Fruela II and all the kings and queens that were buried in the Cathedral of León. Bermudo II de León decided to send them to Oviedo and deposit them in the Pantheon of Kings of the Cathedral of this city in order to prevent them from being desecrated by the Muslim troops directed by Almanzor. Subsequently, King Alfonso V repopulated the city of León and transferred most of the remains of the kings that Bermudo II, his father, had moved, although, apparently, in the Royal Pantheon of Oviedo the remains of Fruea remained II and his wife.

However, due to the reconstruction of the pantheon carried out at the beginning of the 18th century, the identification and individualization of the mortal remains of Queen Nunilo Jimena would be impossible.

Nuptials and offspring [ To edit ]

Fruit of his marriage to King Fruela II would have been born a child:

  • Alfonso Froilaz (m. C. 932), King of León and Galicia. In 932, along with his half -brothers Ordoño and Ramiro and also together with Alfonso IV, he was captured and blinded by order of his cousin, King Ramiro II.

See also [ To edit ]

  1. García Álvarez mentions an inscription of 910 and a diploma written on October 25, 912. According to the author, the registration on the tombstone simply says Christmas Froila and Nunilo Cognomento Scemena (“Servant of Christ Fruela and cognomtent nunyl Jimena”) without indicating that he refers to King Fruela and that could well be another character. The diploma dated in 912 in which King Fruela and Jimena donate several monasteries and churches to the Ovetense headquarters is false.

References [ To edit ]

Bibliography [ To edit ]

  • Elorza , Juan C.; Cowboy , Lourdes; Castillo , Belén; Negro , Marta (1990). Castilla and leon meeting. Ministry of Culture and Social Welfare, ed. The Royal Pantheon of Burgos’ strikes. The burials of the kings of León and Castilla (2nd Edición). Valladolid: Everographic Editorial S.A. ISBN 84-241-9999-5 .