Pontils – Wikipedia, the Libre Encyclopedia

Pontils It is a Spanish municipality of the Catalan region of the Barberá Basin, in the province of Tarragona. According to 2004 data, its population was 138 inhabitants. Became head of the municipality in 1995. until then it was Santa Perpetua de Gayá ( Santa Perpètua de Gaià in Catalan), nowadays Pontils aggregate nucleus. Other villages of the municipality are Rocamora and San Magín de Brufagaña ( Rocamora and Sant Magí de Brufaganya ), Seguer and Vallespinosa.

In 1057 he was bought by Ramón Berenguer I to Ermesenda, wife of Ramón Borrell. The place remained in the hands of those of Cervelló who had the lordship of the lands throughout the Middle Ages. By mid-century XVI , the place remained in the hands of the Savallà family; in the century XVIII The lords of the lands were the Marquises of Aitona.

There are still remains of the old town castle, located on a hill that dominates the population. Was known as The Castellot . The parish church is dedicated to the Natividad de la Virgen; His interior is of Gothic style and its Romanesque portal.

Within the current municipal term you can still see the ruins of other castles:

  • That of Santa Perpètua de Gaià had its triangular plant with rounded songs. It was part of a fortifications line that were built throughout Barcelona County during the century X , a part of the wall is still standing. Next to the remains of the castle is the baroque church of Santa María de Santa Perpetua de Gayá (in Catalan Santa Maria de Santa Perpètua de Gaià ), currently in ruins.
Santa Perpetua Castle.
  • Montclar Castle played an important role in the reconquest of the territory. It belonged to those of Santa Perpetua de Gayá until in 1033 it was acquired by Bernat Sendred de Gurb. In 1072 it became possession of Ramón Berenguer I. Some remains of the tower are preserved. Next to him is San Miguel de Montclar, a Romanesque chapel that was probably the church of the castle.
  • The Sanctuary of San Magín de Bufagaña is dedicated to this Holy Anacoreta that was martyred in the century III . Appears documented for the first time in 1204 and it is known that in the century XIII There was already a small hermitage there. In the century XVI A complete reform was made, sponsored by the lords of Cervelló. It was left to Dominican religious from 1603 to 1835. He was looted on several occasions, in 1714, 1835 and 1936. Within the hermitage it is believed that the sepulcher of the saint was found. You can see an image of San Magín of modern construction since the original, a size of the century XIV polychrome wood, it was destroyed in 1936.

Pontils celebrates its parties during the month of August. The Gayá river crosses the municipality.

Demography [ To edit ]

The municipality, which has an area of ​​67.62 km², [ 3 ] Account according to the Municipal Register for 2017 of the INE with 118 inhabitants and a density of 1.75 hab./km².

Between 1842 and 1857, it is the terrain of the municipality Porque incorporates Pontils, San Magín de Rocamora, Seguer and Vallespinosa.

Until 1981 it was called Santa Perpetua.

In the 1991 census it is called Santa Perpétua de Gaià.

Population by nuclei [ To edit ]

Population breakdown according to the continuous register per INE population unit.

Nuclei Inhabitants (2014) [ 6 ] Men Women
Pontils 27 13 14
San Magn de Rocamora first first 0
Santa Perpètua de Gaià 15 9 6
Seguer 35 23 twelfth
Valldeperes 17 ten 7
Vallespinosa 28 twelfth 16
Viladeperdius 0 0 0

The main economical activity is agriculture. Drying crops predominate, with the vineyard, cereals and almond trees as main products.

Evolution of living debt [ To edit ]

The concept of living debt contemplates only debts with boxes and banks related to financial credits, fixed income values ​​and loans or credits transferred to third parties, therefore excluding commercial debt.

The municipal live debt per inhabitant in 2014 amounted to € 130.08. [ 8 ]

References [ To edit ]

Bibliography [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]