Ricardo Mur Saura – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ricardo Mur Saura (Zaragoza, 1962) is a Spanish anthropologist, priest and writer in the Aragonese language.

Although born in Zaragoza in 1962, he spent his childhood in the Pyrenean town of Panticosa. He studied magisterium and philosophy in Zaragoza, theology in Salamanca and Zaragoza the ecclesiastical career. He extended studies in Geography and History at the UNED of Barbastro, later specializing in popular religiosity, Romanesque architecture and ethnology.

In 1987, Jaca, he received the priestly ordination in 1989 as a scent priest. He was pastor of Banaguás, Guasillo and Asieso; Chaplain of the Virgin of the Cueva de Oroel and the vote of San Indalecio in San Juan de la Peña; as well as Diocesan Delegate of Pilgrimage and Religious Tourism in the Diocese of Jaca and Professor and Inmates Director of the schools Pías de Jaca.

He was appointed pastor of the parishes of El Salvador and San Pedro de Biescas in 2002 and, also, of the parishes of Oliván, Casbas, Susín, Berbusa, Ainielle, Búbal, Polituara, Saqués, Piedrafita de Jaca and Hoz de Jaca. At the diocesan level, Diocesan delegate of Social Media and director of the publication “Church in Jaca” is currently. He directs the program “The Mirror” of the Cope chain in Jaca. He is also a member of the Presbytery Council (periods 2016-2022 and 2022-2027 [ first ] ), Of the Diocesan Pastoral Council (periods 2016-2022 and 2022-2027) and Arcipreste of the Arcipreszgo de Biescas (Period 2022-2027 [ 2 ] ).

His teaching activity is carried out as a religion professor at the C.R.A. Alto Gállego, in the I.E.S. Biello Aragón in Sabiñánigo and in the School of Theology of the Bishopric of Jaca.

Among the books you have published, they stand out:

  • O World of Red Ninón … in Panticosa (Zaragoza, 1981)
  • Medieval vote geography to San Indalecio (Jaca, 1991)
  • Around the Virgen de la Cueva (Jaca, 1992)
  • With or stick and or ropon. Four unpublished prints on the cult of Santa Orosia (Jaca, 1995)
  • Behind Uuel. By the peoples of Mosen Benito (Zaragoza, 1996)
  • Trip at the end of the world: (A tour in space and time through the head of the Asabón River) (Huesca, 1998)
  • Pyrenees. Deep mountains (Huesca, 2002)
  • Pyrenees inside (Huesca, 2003)
  • Aquers tampos so enrebullates (Zaragoza, 2004)
  • 275 years of Escolapia presence in Jaca (Zaragoza, 2010)
  • Panticuto-Castellano Dictionary (2014)
  • Some who die, others will be born. Eight stories in eight (2019)

He is also the author of a New Testament translation to the central Aragonese published in 2013 under the title of Nuebo N’aragonese Testamen .

In the liturgical field, the reviews that it has made in order to update the theological-pastoral categories in the Ninth to Santa Elena Empress (year 2005) and in the Ninth to Santa Orosia (Year 2014, original by Mosén Orencio Bergua of 1699).

He has also published, five hundred articles of art, language, history and anthropology issues in different magazines and publications, among which they stand out:

  • “History of Satué de Arto and Blasco de Sandiás” (1994) [ 3 ]
  • “Artosilla, in the heart of the Guarguera” (1995) [ 4 ]
  • “Ibort, in lands of Gállego” (1996)
  • “Susin and the hermitage of Our Lady of the Eras” (1997) [ 5 ]
  • “Medineta, a depopulated by Soduruel” (1998)
  • “By the Sierra de Esteún” (1999)
  • “Location of Aragonese monasteries” (2000)
  • “Trip to the cradle of Santa Orosia” (2002)
  • “Memory on the historical path of Jaca A Yebra de Basa: o Way of the Pastor” (2008).
  • “Crismones in the Tena Valley” (2017) [ 6 ]

References [ To edit ]

  1. Official Bishopric Bulletin of Jaca , núm. 1, January – Junio ​​2022, Año CXlii, Pág. 73.
  2. Official Bishopric Bulletin of Jaca , núm. 1, January – Junio ​​2022, Año CXlii, Pág. 73.
  3. Saw , No. 93 (September 1994), Pages. 6-8; No. 94 (December 1994), Pages. 27-30; No. 95 (March 1995), Pages. 4-6; and No. 96 (June 1995), Pages. 4-6.
  4. Saw , No. 98 (December 1995), Pages. 7-1
  5. Saw , No. 105 (September 1997), Pages. 16-2
  6. Bal de Tena , No. 13 (September 2017), Pages. 22-2