Shin-Charn: The Adults of Contraactacan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shin Chan: Adults counterattacan! ( Crayon Shin -chan Moretsu calls a storm! , Crayon shin -chan: arashi wo yobu -môRetsu! ? ) , [ 2 ] It is a Japanese animation film based on manga and anime Shin Chan, being the ninth movie of this character.

The film premiered in 2001 in Japan and lasts 89 minutes. [ 3 ] In Spain it was released in theaters on February 2, 2007, and put on sale on DVD on June 20 of that same year. Its title refers to the fifth Star Wars movie, He Empire counterattack .

The spectacular “20th -century park” is the ideal place for adults to recover the happiest moments of their lives. Its creators, Ken and Chako, are two nostalgic determined to rebuild the ways of life of decades ago. For this they have created a substance that hypnotizes adults and attracts them to a city that recreates the last century. Kasukabe’s army, led by Shin Chan, undertakes a new mission: find out what is happening and bring adults back. In their adventure they await dangers, delusional situations and frantic action. [ 3 ]

The old enclosure of the Universal Osaka exhibition is now a modern theme park dedicated completely to remembering the century XX . The films, inventions and customs of the last century are shown in all their attractiveness in the spectacular “20th -century park”. This is the ideal place for adults to recover the happiest moments of their childhoods.

Shinnosuke and his family attend the park. Although adults like Hiroshi and Misae are full of fascination and emotion, children like Shin Chan and Himawari are selfless and concerned about the nostalgia of their parents. As this happens, Ken and Chako discuss the plans to “get rid of the smell of the 21st century.” Ken and Chako, creators and owners of the park, are a pair of nostalgic determined to rebuild the life of the last century. For this they have created the essence of the past, a substance that hypnotizes adults and makes them carefree children of all their obligations. With this they plan to attract them to the park and return them to the last century to enjoy their childhood. This has an effect during the night, when Hiroshi and Misae are suddenly sleeping without dinner or giving explanations. This occurs in all Kasukabe buildings.

The next day, Shin Chan discovers that Hiroshi and Misae have become very rough and irresponsible. After getting out of the house to go to the nursery, Shin Chan (taking Himawari with him) discovers that all adults act as children; This even extends to the nursery to which it goes. Suddenly, trucks appear that take adults to a place where only the century exists XX , causing all Kasukabe adults to leave the city in mass. Children are the only remaining inhabitants. Shin Chan and his friends meet at home to discuss the events that occur in their hometown. Not only do they discover that children are trying to survive without their parents, but the media they are seeing and listening are returning to the century XX ; This only gets worse when electricity goes.

That same night, trucks and several officers of the Century Park appear XX They arrive in the city to pick up children who want Tomorrow of the next day. After deciding not to stay where they are, Shin Chan, Himawari, Nevado and the rest of Kasukabe’s army hides in department stores, where they stay to sleep.

The next day, Shin Chan and his friends realize that they have fallen asleep and must leave immediately. After not being able to hide from the henchmen of the park (including several adults that Shin Chan knows), Shin Chan, his friends and what remains of his family initiate his escape. To escape, they are made with the school bus, which they manage to drive, and after a persecution, they manage to mislead adults. However, they discover that they are heading to the century park XX , and all on the bus decide to find and confront their parents. After crashing the bus inside the building, Shin Chan’s friends are captured. However, Shin Chan, Himawari and Nevado manage to escape. These manage to find their father.

There, Shin Chan discovers that the smell of the century XX It affects adults, and decides to use the bad smell of their father’s feet to neutralize the “essence of the past.” He takes a Hiroshi shoe and uses his smell to remind him that he is his father. Then, Hiroshi remembers his whole life, since he was a child until he becomes a family father, realizing that the difficulties of aging gave him the family he loves, and returns to reality successfully while breaking to cry and Hug your child. They do the same with Mass and manage to be a united family again. So, Ken decides to take Shin Chan and his family gathered to the source of the century XX . Explain that your machine will launch the smell of the century XX , thanks to the essence of people living in the false century XX . Because of this, the Nohara family must stop the evil plan before it is too late, and tries to prevent everyone from going back to the previous century, determined not to give up their future. One by one, the Nohara family distracts the henchmen to gain time, being Shin Chan the last one standing. With the future at stake, Shin Chan desperately rushes to the control room.

Although Shin Chan does not reach the control room before Ken and Chako, his actions and those of his family make Okaso citizens realize that they want to return to the future. As a result, the essence of the century XX It’s disappearing. Although they accept their defeat, Ken and Chako cannot accept the future; Therefore, they try to commit suicide at the top of the building. But when they try to act, they are arrested for a dove that protects their family. With their arrested suicidal actions, Ken and Chako realize that they must also find a place to live. Finally, several children and adults gather to be sent back to their hometown. The film ends with the Nohara family and the other families returning home, Kasukabe, where the future awaits them.

Series characters [ To edit ]

Guest characters [ To edit ]

Criticism [ To edit ]

In Japan [ 4 ] And Korea, [ 5 ] Where Shin Chan is one of the most recognized anime of all time, the film is not only considered one of the best films of Crayon Shin-chan, but as one of the best animated films in history, [ 5 ] [ 6 ] Even occupying the fourth place in the list of most important anime films of all time of Junpo cinema (The film with the highest rating not directed by Hayao Miyazaki), and the 103rd place in its list of the best Japanese films of all time. [ 7 ]

In particular, the themes of the film about reminiscence, nostalgia and the past in front of the future have been widely praised, [ 8 ] [ 9 ] Especially the execution of the idea that adults adhere to the nostalgia of the century XX In contrast to children who grow at dawn of the century XXI . [ ten ] The scene of Hiroshi’s reminiscence in particular, is considered one of the best animation scenes in countries where the film premiered, and has been compared to the UP opening sequence for its emotional impact even in adults . [ 11 ]

On the e-crater website, where the twenty-three Shin Chan films were released until then in the Hispanic world, the film obtained first place in the list as the best movie of the character, [ twelfth ] Being described as “that little masterpiece of the saga” and “the most notable production of the franchise.” [ twelfth ]

The writer Kazuki Nakashima by Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill, praised this and the next Shin Chan movie, [ 13 ] And later he wrote the 22nd Shin-chan movie.

Ticket office [ To edit ]

The film raised 1,445 million yen at the Japanese box office. According to Box Office Mojo, the film raised 10,392,896 dollars in total, on international scale. [ 14 ]

Honors [ To edit ]

  • The best anime films of all time ( Junpo cinema ) #4 [ 15 ]
  • The best Japanese films of all time ( Junpo cinema ) #103 [ 7 ]
  • The film was voted as the best movie of Crayon shin-chan On the twentieth anniversary of the series, in an awards ceremony called “Bakademy Awards” in 2012. [ 16 ] [ 17 ] [ 18 ]
  • Japanese Media Art 100 Sección Anime Rango #19 [ 19 ]

Curiosities [ To edit ]

  • The film is the ninth part of the Shin Chan saga, so its predecessor is Shin Chan: Lost in the jungle , and his successor is Shin Chan: Little Samurai .
  • The film antagonist keeps a great resemblance to John Lennon.
  • The movie’s own title, as already mentioned, is a tribute to the fifth installment of one of the cinematographic sagamos that marked the second decade of the century: Star Wars.
  • The film makes several references to the century XX :
    • The name of the antagonists has its origin in a children’s series issued in Japan during the 80s, and which was starring two children. Is about “CHAKO-CHAN KEN-CHAN” (Ken -chan Chaco -chan).
    • Typical objects of this century appear constantly: Gramophones, Videocassettes, as well as typical cars of the last century, such as the Toyota 2000gt.
    • Throughout the movie the song “Yesterday Once More”, by The Carpents, a popular American couple in the 70s sounds many times.
    • No Faltan Referencias A PERSONS CLásicos Del Japón de Finales de Finales de Fujio Akatsuka (赤塚 不 丌夫), La Serie Ultraman (ウルルトララide (ウ have堺一機).

See also [ To edit ]

References [ To edit ]

external links [ To edit ]