Susan George (writer) – Wikipedia

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Susan George (born In Akron (Ohio, United States)) is a Franco-American political scientist and writer, alter-globalist activist and honorary president of the Association for the taxation of financial transactions and for citizen action (ATTAC).

Born In Akron in Ohio in the United States, Susan George has long lived in France and acquired French nationality in 1994. After studying French literature and political sciences in the Smith College From Northampton (Massachusetts), she comes to settle in Paris, married, three children, then resumed her studies and obtained a license in philosophy at the Sorbonne in 1967. After the publication of her first book in 1976, she s ‘s’ Listed at the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, where his thesis in political science on the transfer of the American food system to the rest of the world obtained the mention “very honorable” in 1978 [ 2 ] [Insufficient source] .

“We don’t promise the moon. We do not say that we have an answer to everything, but we have solutions. Our goal is to do decent and rational societies where people live pretty well, where there are relatively few inequalities, and where almost everyone has a job, is well treated and can offer good education to his children. »»

— Susan George, Susan George Au Devoir – Reward the culprits, punish the victims [ 3 ]

Susan George is very committed to international fights. She notably uses her books to communicate her ideas.

She participated in the Foundation of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam and is now president of the Council [ 3 ] . She was at the center of coordination bringing together all French movements against the friend (multilateral investment agreement) and for the WTO reform. She was president of the Observatory of Globalization now dissolved, and was a member of the board of directors of Greenpeace International and Greenpeace France, from 1990 to 1995. She is finally a member of the French Coordination Sponsorship Committee For the decade of culture of peace and non-violence. Several dozen of his articles in English and French are available on his page [ 4 ] you Transnational Institute.

Founding personality of the first Attac organization since its creation in Paris in 1998, she wrote an attac book on the WTO [ 5 ] And was vice-president of Attac France and member of her office from 1999 to 2006. In 2005-2006, she played an important role in the questioning movement of her former direction by calling in particular twice to vote for a list of his opponents and by protesting against proven fraud concerning the elections of to its board of directors. Since the replacement of the former team with leaders in accordance with its conceptions, Susan George has asked not to participate in the management of Attac France, remaining only a member of his college of the founders and his scientific council. In 2003, the Board of Directors of Attac appointed the Honorary President.

In 2011, she presented the opening conference of the second edition of the Summer University of New Notebooks of Socialism held at the University of Quebec in Montreal [ 3 ] .

In She participates in the creation of the Roosevelt collective with the help of Stéphane Hessel, Edgar Morin and Michel Rocard and many intellectuals and public figures in civil and political society. This collective presents 15 proposals to avoid an economic collapse, develop a new society and fight against endemic unemployment and create a democratic Europe [ 6 ] .

In 2013, she participated in the new New Political Party gave alongside Pierre Larrouturou. In , she co -signs in the newspaper The world , with Edgar Morin and Dominique Méda, a forum [ 7 ] Supporting the European citizen initiative “Let us stop ecocide in Europe”.

In , in support of Geneviève Legay, ATM 74 -year -old Attac seriously injured in the demonstration of the yellow vests of the In Nice, during a charge of the police, it is addressed to Emmanuel Macron and his government to call to protect the demonstrators, against his policy, in response to a message from the President of the Republic wishing to Geneviève Legay “A speedy recovery, and perhaps a form of wisdom” .

  • I walk with … Susan George , ed. The threshold, 2020
  • Shadow Sovereigns: How Global Corporations are Seizing Power , ed. Polity, 2015
  • How To Win The Class War – The Lugano Report II , ed. TNI, 2012, reed. 2013
  • Whose Crisis, Whose Future?: Towards a Greener, Fairer, Richer World , Eligible. Polility Press, 2010
  • Hijacking America: How the Religious and Secular Right Changed What Americans Think , ed. Polity Press, 2007, reed. 2008
  • Religion and Technology in the 21st Century: Faith in the E-World , ed. Information Science Publishing, 2006
  • We, the Peoples of Europe , ed. Pluto Press, 2005, reed. 2008
  • Another World Is Possible If.. ., ed. Back, 2003
  • Anti-capitalism: A Guide to the Movement , co -written with Emma Bircham and John Charlton, ed. BOOKMARKS, 2001, reed. 2005
  • Liverpool Park Estates: Their Legal Basis, Creation and Early Management , éd. Liverpool University Press, 2000
  • The Lugano Report: On Preserving Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century , ed. Pluto, 1999, reed. 2003
  • Faith And Credit: The World Bank’s Secular Empire , co -written with Fabrizio Sabelli, ed. WestView Press, 1994
  • The Debt Boomerang: How Third World Debt Harms Us All , ed. Pluto Press, 1991
  • A Fate Worse Than Debt , ed. Grove Press, 1988, reed. 1990
  • Ill Fares the Land: Essays on Food, Hunger and Power , ed. Penguin Books, 1984, Rééd 1990
  • Feeding the Few: Corporate Control of Food , ed. Publishers transaction, 1978
  • How the Other Half Dies , Eligible. Rowman & Littlefield Publish Sens, 1976, RESPONS. In 1989

Books translated or written in French [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • How does the other half of the world die , (trad. of How the Other Half Dies: The Real Reasons for World Hunger , Penguin, 1976)
  • Up to the neck: investigation into the third world debt , (La Découverte, 1988, trad. A Fate Worse Than Debt )
  • The boomerang effect, shock in return from the third world debt , (Discovery/Essais, 1992), (ISBN  9782707121370 )
  • Switzerland with replicas with single thought (With Fabrizio Sabelli, Zoe editions, 1997 Carouge) [ 8 ]
  • The Lugano report , (Pluto Press, 1999 ; Fayard, 2000)
  • Liberal globalization (with Martin Wolf, Grasset/Les Échos, 2002)
  • Another world is possible if … (Fayard, 2004).
  • We peoples of Europe (Fayard, 2005)
  • The enchanted thought (Fayard, 2007)
  • Their crisis, our solutions (Albin Michel, 2010)
  • “This time, ending democracy. »: The Lugano II report (Editions du Seuil, 2012)
  • AlterDuverning , Collective work bringing together Paul Ariès, Geneviève Azam, Marc Dufumier, Marie Duru-Bellat, Claude Egullion, Jean-Baptiste Eyraud, Jean-Marie Harribey, Franck Lepage, Philippe Leymarie, Laurent Mucchielli, Aline Pailler, Nathalie Péré-Marzano, Fabien Piasecki , Michel Pinçon, Monique Pinçon-Charlot, Clarisse Taron, and Jacques Testart, Éditions Le Muscadier, 2012
  • Usurper (Le Seuil, 2014)
  1. » (consulted in )
  2. Susan George, Hunger strategists , Editions Gurnauer, 1982, Geneva.
  3. A B and C Éric Desrosiers, Susan George Au Devoir – Reward the culprits, punish the victims » , The duty ,
  4. » ( Wikiwix Google • What to do ?) .
  5. Susan George, Put the WTO in its place , Mille and one nights, Fayard, 2001.
  6. Roosevelt collective, official website
  7. See The tribune “a European citizen initiative to preserve nature and future generations” published on the initiative of Valérie Cabanes, lawyer in international law, and Georges Menahem, sociologist and economist; and also co -signed by Dominique Bourg, philosopher; Philippe Desbrosses, philosopher and agroecologist; Jean Gadrey, economist; Susan George (writer), Dominique Méda, philosopher and sociologist; Edgar Morin, sociologist and philosopher; René Passet, economist; Jean-Marie PELT, biologist; Pierre Rabhi, farmer and ecologist; Jacques Testart, veterinarian and biologist; And Patrick Viveret, philosopher.
  8. Luisa Ballin, « Susan George: “Switzerland must count on its assets and not its weaknesses.” », The mail , , p. ten

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