gn – Wikipedia


Das GNU-Maskottchen
One of the work surfaces that can be used with GNU, Gnome 2
developer Gno-project
License (s) GNU GPL
Kernel Make microkernel / Linux
ancestry GNU (no ancestors)
Languages) multilingual

GNU (German and English [ ˈgnuː ], listen to ? / i ) is a unix-like operating system and completely free software that is developed as part of the GNU project that started in 1984 as a software collection of applications and libraries. GNU is under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Since your own core of the project, GNU Hurd, is not suitable for practical use, the system is usually combined with the Linux kernel today and GNU/Linux, mostly simply called Linux.


The name GNU is a recursive acronym of “Gnu’s not Unix” (“GNU is not unix”) and, to avoid confusion, how the animal gnu is pronounced in German, not like in English (not how new ). The head of an African GNU antelope was also chosen as a logo.

After the announcement in 1983 and the subsequent foundation of the GNU project in 1984, which aimed at the development of GNU, the GNU operating system has been actively developed since then. GNU was designed to be as compatible with Unix as possible. This decision had several reasons: On the one hand, one was sure that most companies would reject a fundamentally new operating system if the programs they used would not run on it. On the other hand, the architecture of Unix enabled a quick, simple and distributed development, since Unix consists of many small programs that can largely be developed independently of one another.

In 1990, a development system was completed with the GNU-C compiler and many system programs, but there was still no kernel. The Free Software Foundation then decided (after a long back and forth) to use the Mach-Kernel. Building on this, a multi -service system should be written so that the system can be more easily expanded to include further components and users can also integrate their own components without administrator rights without endangering the stability of the overall system.

The multiservering system was GNU Hurd christened. However, since it used multithreading very strongly, debugging proved to be very difficult. The project became very extensive and difficult to manage. At the same time, the developers moved to the much pragmatic -developed Linux, which with it was missing GNU and GNU Hurd. The development of these parts was slow. During this time, a running gag was created, in which users asked when Hurd was finished and referred to the respective next year. Hurd is therefore often referred to as vaporware.

In 1998 Marcus Brinkmann launched the Debian Gnu/Hurd project to give development more momentum. The infrastructure of the Debian project was made usable for GNU Mach and GNU Hurd, which for the first time ported a larger number of applications to the system. As part of Debian Gnu/Hurd, a usable installation routine was created, and X11, Gnome and KDE were also ported to the platform. In addition, she benefited from the mature package management using APT-GET, DPKG and from the other aids that Debian provides system management. Brinkmann also expanded GNU Hurd with a unicode-capable console based on a client/server architecture and thus significantly exceeds the Linux console of flexibility.


In 2001 there were also efforts to port GNU Hurd from the Mach Mikrokernel GNU to port an L4 kernel, a second generation microkernel. This L4-Hurd -Projekt, like Debian Gnu/Hurd, was also largely promoted and coordinated by Marcus Brinkmann. The first phase of this porting was completed in February 2005. Since then, the first small programs can be carried out under a GNU Hurd-L4 system. However, neither a Shell nor the GNU software have been available, so that the interaction with the system is initially limited to operating the Kernel Debugger. In January 2006, there were considerations to use Coyotos instead of the L4 microcernel.

The GNU project sees the kernel for GNU GNU Hurd before. The decision for this experimental kernel was an important reason for the staggering development of a usable GNU operating system.

Liu out Is the favorite microkernel of the GNU project, [first] which enables the abstraction of the hardware. It is an implementation of the Mach-Kernel and is currently (as of December 2015) the standard microcnel from GNU Hurd. So far, GNU Mach has only been running on machines from the outdated Intel 32-bit architecture. Further ports are planned for the future, but the development is stagnating. [2] Since the combination of Mach and Hurd is still difficult to use productively, Linux is very often used as a kernel and the entire system is only “Linux” instead GNU/Linux called.

“Hurd/L4” or “L4-Hurd” [3] is a project that should portray “GNU Hurd” to the L4 microcernel and thus replace GNU Mach in the long term. However, L4 turned out to be unsuitable. [4]

The combination of GNU and the Linux kernel enables a sophisticated stable operating system for personal computers, servers and embedded systems and consists of the following parts:

Parts with operating system relevance

  • GNU packages [5] [6] (with operating system relevance), consisting of shell, coreutils, compilers such as GCC, libraries such as glibc and implementation of all functions of the Posix System Application Program Interface (POSIX.1) [7] [8] etc. The GCC Compiler can generate machine code for a large number of computer architectures. [9]
  • Non-Gnu programs with operating system relevance, which are intended for use with GNU from the GNU project. [ten] Since these programs were already available as free software (i.e. license conditions that are compatible with the GNU project’s freedom goals), these programs did not have to be written by the GNU project itself. Examples are X Window System. [11]
  • Linux-Kernel as hardware-based software with which the system can be operated on a large number of computer architectures; The kernel implemented Scheduling, multitasking, device driver, memory management, etc. [twelfth] Linus Torvalds published the Linux Kernel in 1992 under the GNU General Public License; [13] This is not part of the GNU project. [14] [15] [16] [17]

Parts without operating system relevance

  • Programs under free license (e.g. application programs, z. T. also from the GNU project), [18] For example Bazaar, Gimp or Gnu Octave
  • Proprietary programs are strictly rejected by the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation, [19] since they do not correspond to their freedom goals. This includes z. B. Adobe Flash Player.

In order to enable a complete operating system, a software collection of applications, libraries and service programs for developers -GNU software or packages -and GNU Hurd were programmed as a kernel. [20]

Since GNU Hurd has so far been poorly suitable for productive use as a system core, GNU is usually used as a operating system together with the Linuxkernel. However, Linux as a kernel also contains proprietary firmware, which is why the aim of a free variant of the fork Linux-Libre is under development.

Unix service programs were replaced by corresponding GNU projects, as it turned out when comparing that GNU software was more stable and less susceptible to errors. [21] Some GNU programs, e.g. B. the GNU Compiler Collection, were ported on almost all operating systems that are widespread today.

Other known software of the GNU project are the GNU-C library, the Bash (Bourne-Again-Shell), the text editor GNU EMACS and the GNU debugger.

It should be noted that not every software that is usually delivered with a GNU/Linux distribution was created by the GNU project. So the GNU project z. B. to develop a separate X Window system because others have now created free implementation.

Story [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The first program written for GNU was the text editor GNU Emacs by Richard Stallman. The work started in September 1984. [22] At the beginning of 1985 it was first classified as usable by Stallman himself. During this time, software sales over the Internet was not yet common because access was rare. Instead, software was sold on disks.

In 1991 Linus Torvalds, inspired by GNU, developed a new kernel: Linux. This was released in 1992 under the GNU General Public License and was used by some distributors as a variant to the NENU Hurd system core that has not yet been completed. [23] It is thanks to Linux that a version of the GNU system can actually be carried out today. [24] In the course of increasing popularity, this variant GNUS was incorrectly called “Linux”. Richard Stallman therefore laid the name GNU/Linux value. [25] (See also GNU/Linux name dispute.)

The operating system is still constantly updated. Gnu Hurd is also only sporadically in development, [2] Since not all areas of Hurd have been implemented yet. The development on the microkernels has now fell asleep. On the other hand, GNU service programs are complete. GNU has been mainly used in the Linux-based variant called GNU/Linux and on free and proprietary unix systems in all areas for years.

Debian GNU/Hurd [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The most advanced and active GNU distribution based on Hurd is currently Debian Gnu/Hurd. About 78% of the approximately 30,000 packages contained in the official Debian archive have so far been successfully translated for Debian Gnu/Hurd. [26]

Gentoo/Hurd [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In addition to the Debian Gnu/Hurd porting, there are also Gentoo/Hurd projects, but they have been in peace and seek support since September 2006.

Arch Hurd [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Since January 2010, a Hurd distribution has been active that represents the principles of Arch Linux.

The GNU system was actually an operating system that a kernel was missing. Since the software can be transferred to other kernel as GNU Hurd, there are systems that can be referred to as variants of GNU. Gnu/Linux is by far the most popular variant of GNU and is often Linux Described (see GNU/Linux name dispute).

There is also a Cygwin, which was developed by Red Hat (formerly Cygnus Solutions), a GNU system on Windows.

Commons : GNU – Album with pictures, videos and audio files

  1. Introduction to GNU Mach. (No longer available online.) In: Free Software Foundation, January 20, 2007, archived from Original am 12. November 2008 ; accessed on January 17, 2013 (English).
  2. a b NEWS – hurd/gnumach.git – GNU Mach. Accessed on September 1st, 2019 .
  3. Mailing lists On the GNU website
  4. What happened to the L4/Coyotos/viengoos micro-kernels? In: Gn-webseite – Hurd Faq. Free Software Foundation, Inc., 19. Juli 2011, accessed on March 25, 2012 (English).
  5. All GNU packages (
  6. GNU @ Free Software Directory (
  7. POSIX – The GNU C Library
  8. glibc (Posix)
  9. GCC target systems
  12. The Linux Kernel Archives
  13. Release Notes for Linux v0.12
  14. Should the GNU/[Name] Convention be applied to all programs that are under GPL? GNU/Linux FAQ von Richard Stallman
  15. Why write GNU/Linux instead of GNU Linux? GNU/Linux FAQ von Richard Stallman
  16. Isn’t it wrong to describe Linus Torvald’s work as a gnu? GNU/Linux FAQ von Richard Stallman
  17. Does Linus Torvalds agree that Linux is only the operating system core? GNU/Linux FAQ von Richard Stallman
  18. FSF Free Software directory
  19. Avoid ruinous compromises (
  20. Cornerstone GNU Software On the GNU website
  21. Barton P. Miller and others: Fuzz Revisited: A Re-examination of the reliability of Unix Utilities and Services , February 18, 2000.
  22. Richard Stallman: The GNU project on, April 17, 2012.
  23. GNU Hurd-Status , 17. April 2012.
  24. Richard Stallman: The GNU project , 17. April 2012.
  25. Richard Stallman: GNU users who have never heard of GNU , 17. April 2012.
  26. The GNU/Hurd architecture, nifty features, and latest news. (PDF) Retrieved on February 11, 2013 .