Ordnance Survey – Wikipedia


The new main building of the Survey Ornance in Adanac Park, Southampton

The Ordnance Survey is an executive authority of the United Kingdom government. Your task is the National National Survey of Great Britain [first] . It is one of the world’s largest map manufacturers.


The name reflects the originally military determination of the organization, [2] The Great Britain should measure during the Napoleonic Wars under the threat of a French invasion. Your logo contains the heraldic wide arrow of the then Ministry of War.

Extract of the first inch-to-the-mile map of 1801

The roots of the Ornance Survey go back to 1747, when Lieutenant Colonel David Watson, an officer of the Corps of Royal Engineer, in the re -turfers of the Jacobiter’s uprising in 1745 suggested the compilation of the Scottish Highland in order to the final suppression of the uprising to facilitate. [3] King George II reacted by commissioning a military exploration, and Watson as the person responsible for the company under the command of the Duke of Cumberland. Watson’s assistants included William Roy, Paul Sandby and John Manson. The terrain intake was created on a scale by an inch to 1000 yards (scale 1: 36,000). [4] Above all, the work of Watson and Roy finally resulted in a card, The Duke of Cumberland’s Map that is today in the British Museum.

Roy was later one of the main responsible for the British share in the British part of the English-French trigonometric measurement to determine the relative positions of the British and French royal observatories. This work was the starting point for the Principal Triangulation of Great Britain, the basic measurement of Great Britain between 1791 and 1853, and also led to the foundation of the Ordnance Survey. Under Roy’s management, the work of the survey began in 1790 with one on behalf of the Board of Ordnance , a predecessor of today’s Ministry of Defense, carried out by the south coast of England. With his technical skills and his own leadership, Roy set the high standard for which the Ordnance Survey became known.

In 1791 the management received the new Ramsden theodolite, an improved successor to the devices used so far, and the mapping of southern England was started. A basic line was used in this company that Roy had recorded itself and which runs through today’s Heathrow Airport. At the two hundredth year celebration of the start of surveying, a sentence of stamps was published, which shows maps of the village of Hamstreet in Kent. [5]


1801 became the first One-Inch-to-the-Mile -Cart (scale 1: 63.360) published. The Survey of Kent showed the county of Kent; A short time later, she followed a map of the Essex county. The map of Kent was published privately and stops at the borders of the county, [6] While the Essex card was published by the Ornance Survey and ignored the borders of the county. This procedure was retained in all later cards of the Ordnance Surveys. [7]

About a third of England and Wales in the next 20 years One-Inch-to-the-Mile -Stag mapped. It was an exhausting work: Major Thomas Colby, later the longest reigning general director of the Ordnance Survey, ran almost 950 km in 22 days on an exploration tour in 1819. Colby went to Ireland with his employees in 1824, for a map of map Six-Inches-to-the-Mile (1: 10.560). Ireland was completed in 1846. [8]

Colby didn’t just have to do with the development of special measuring instruments. He enforced the systematic collection of locality names (toponyms) and redesigned the course of the map production, so that clear and precise cards were created. He was an advocate of the principle that the head of the Survey Ordernance had to offer an example at the forefront, traveled with his employees, helped building up the base camp and organized parties with enormous plumping on mountain peaks when the respective campaign was short of the end . [9]

Remains of the old office of the Ordnance Surnance in London Road, Southampton: Today part of the court complex

After the first maps of Ireland appeared in the mid -1830s, the Tithe Commutation Act [ten] from 1836 to request more precise cards with the scale of Six-Inches-to-the-Mile Also for England and Wales. The government is looking for their salvation in excuses, but the development of the railroad increased the pressure. In 1841 the Ordnance Survey Act enacted that guaranteed entering all the property, also private, for the purpose of the land surveying, and a Six-Inch to the Mile Survey It was planned in England and Wales.

The country was initially struggling with difficulties. Initially, the fire of the Grand Storehouse The headquarters of the Ornance Surnance in the Tower of London. [11] After that, a multi -year dispute broke out on the scale to be used. At that time, Major General Sir Henry James was the general director of the survey. He realized that photographic techniques enabled the preparation of maps of different standards in a simple and cheap way, and developed zincography. In addition to map production, he also applied the procedure for nationally important books. Between 1861 and 1864, county for county appeared a facsimile of the Domesday Books. Finally, various standards were decided for the regional survey in England and Wales: Six Inches to the Mile (1: 10.560) for unusable areas such as mountains and swampland, Twenty-Five Inches to the Mile (Scale about 1: 2534) for rural areas and even larger standards up to Ten Feet to the Mile (Scale 1: 528) for dense settlement and cities. [11]

After the fire, the Ordnance Survey moved to Southampton, and in 1895 the Twenty-Five Inch to the Mile Survey completed. At this point, a little fewer than 400 cities, each with more than 4,000 inhabitants, were recorded on the largest scale and the results were published. [twelfth]

Front cover side of the New Popular Edition (Scale 1 Inch to the Mile , 1: 63,360), 1945

Excerptation of a map of the Ornance Survey. New Popular Edition (Scale 1 Inch to the Mile , 1: 63,360), 1946

During the First World War, the Ordnance Survey was involved in the creation of cards from France and Belgium for internal use. After the war, the then general director Colonel Charles Close developed a new marketing strategy using envelope designs that Ellis Martin had designed to increase paragraphs in the recreational cards sector. In 1920 O. G. S. Crawford was discontinued as chief archaeologist, who played an important role in the use of aerial photographs in archeology.

In 1935 the new triangulation of Great Britain began under the general director Major-General Malcolm Macleod. This immense task included the construction of Triangulation pillars On often barely accessible hilltops or mountain peaks across Great Britain. The columns were almost 1.2 m high, usually rectangular columns made of stone masonry or concrete. They served as less prisonpoints (trigonometric points) for the angle measurements carried out with theodolites, each of which was carried out no less than 32 times.

In the same year this was named after the chairman Viscount J. C. C. Davidson Davidson Committee used to advise on the future of the Ordnance Survey. The final report of the committee was published in 1938. [13] The British National Grid Reference System, a coordinate system tailored to Great Britain, was set, with the meter as a unit of measurement, and a map of 1: 25,000. The One-Inch -Cards were still used for another 40 years before they were replaced by cards in a scale of 1: 50,000 -as William Roy had suggested more than two centuries earlier.

In the Second World War, many more cards were made, including: [14]

  • Antwerp, Belgium, on a scale of 1: 40,000
  • Brussels, Belgium, on a scale of 1: 10.0000
  • South Africa, on a scale of 1: 5,000,000
  • Italy, 1:250000
  • Northeast France, 1: 50000
  • Netherlands, 1: 30,000, with a hand -drawn outline of the districts used by the German occupation army.

The Ornance Survey had grown beyond its buildings in the center of Southampton. The bombing in November 1940 during lightning in World War II had destroyed most of the office building of the Survey Ornance, so that some of the employees had to be distributed to other buildings in Southampton, or for preliminary alternative quarters in Chessington and ESHER. There they produced as preparation for the invasion in addition to the cards mentioned above in smaller standards, especially 1: 25,000 maps from France, Italy, Germany and a large part of the other European countries. After the war, the Survey was mainly in Chessington, until 1969 a newly built headquarters in the Romsey Road in Maybus, a suburb of Southampton, was opened. Some of the still existing buildings of the complex in the center of Southampton are part of the court complex there today.

In 1995, the Ornance Survey completed the digitization of a total of 230,000 cards. In 1999 the survey was in one Trading Fund (translated about Trade Funds ) converted so that today he no longer financially directly from the Ministry of Finance (Her/His Majesties Treasury) is managed, but itself can offset his income against his expenses, and leads part of the profit to the government. Officially, the Ordnance Survey is no longer under direct government control, but a civilian organization of the government (Executive Agency) .

The construction of a new headquarters on Adanac Park on the edge of Southampton began in 2009, [15] which was completed and related in 2011. [16]

The cartography of the first survey was created with the help of triangulation. This method was also used in the second survey from 1934 by using the triangulation columns as a fixed point and adding the details in the spaces with less precise methods. Today, most of the columns are no longer used because the modern maps of the Ordnance Survey are based on aerial photographs. Some fixed points today serve as geodetic reference points to connect this data to modern measuring systems that use GPS, among other things.

The system of coordinates and plan squares used on the cards of the Ordnance Surnance is called the National Grid.

For several decades, the Ornance Survey has had a research department that works in the field of geographical information science, including

The Ordnance Surnt has a department that is responsible for dialogue with research institutions and universities Research and University Liaison Team . This supports students and doctoral students and conducts joint research. For universities there is the possibility of participating in the so -called Digimap -Program, which gives students and university members access to the data of the Ordnance Surveys.

The Ordnance Survey produces a large number of printed and digital card products.

Leisure tickets [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Ordnance Survey maps, W.H. Smith, Enfield.jpg

The leisure tickets are published on different standards: [17]

  • Route (Scale 1: 625,000) is intended for long journeys and consists of a double -sided card with a dark blue cover sheet, which covers the whole Britain. The production of this series was discontinued at the end of 2009. [18]
  • Road (Scale 1: 250,000) is a street map with a green cover sheet, eight leaves cover all of Britain. The print of this series was discontinued in early 2010, the cards are only available antiquarian (last revision of all maps 2009) [19]
  • Tour (Scale about 1: 100,000, except Scotland) each covers the area of ​​a county. The cards are usually made from enlargements of the cards in scale 1: 250,000. They show the larger and most of the smaller streets and contain tourist information as well as selected hiking trails. The cover sheet is sky blue, the series consists of 23 leaves.
  • If Landranger Map (Scale 1: 50,000) is the “all -purpose card”. It shows all hiking trails and has a pink cover sheet. 204 leaves cover all of Britain and the Isle of Man. Selected leaves are laminated and waterproof and are called OS Landranger Active map driven out.
  • OS Explorer map (Scale 1: 25,000) is specially designed for cyclists and hikers and shows all the paths and most details of the landscape. The series is equipped with an orange cover sheet and consists of 403 leaves. Laminated cards of this card type run under the name OS Explorer – Active Map . Certain areas with particular interest, such as Lake District or Black Mountains, include a larger area and bear the designation Outdoor Leisure .

Special products, derived and licensed products [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Ordnance Survey offers a print-on-demand service under the name OS Select at. The requested card sections are generated from digital raster data so that the customer can precisely determine the outlet outline. The expression is available either on a scale of 1: 50,000 (map section 40 × 40 km) or 1: 25000 (20 × 20 km). Other standards are also at some sales outlets on demand Available, for example 1: 10,000 (Landplan) und 1:1.250 or 1:500 (Siteplan) . By enlarging or reducing, cards can be generated on any scale.

Reproductions from older maps (1970 to about 1990) are offered for training and school purposes. These cards are widespread and are offered as a single product or in the bundle with school books. Further reproductions of old cards of the survey are in license by the publisher Cassini Publishing Ltd. offered. These date from the middle of the 19th century and are scaled to 1: 50,000, newly projected onto the card projection of the If Landranger -Series and a coordinate grille at a distance of one kilometer. Other companies offer license products on CD or DVD or to download on the Internet. The accompanying software is GPS-compatible and enables the transmission of maps or map sections to mobile devices.

The digital OS Mastermap [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 2001, Ordnance Survey published the digital OS MasterMap As the successor to the software that is no longer supported today OS Landline . It is a database application used in connection with a GIS or CAD application, and all recorded topographical characteristics of Great Britain on a map. Each of the characteristics has a so -called Toid (Topographical Identifier), a clear database name (primary key). The OS MasterMap is offered with different themed layers, for example a street layer or a building layer, each of which belongs to this topic and theirs TOIDs Contains. The pricing depends on the size of the map section, the number of layers and the TOIDs as well as from the duration of use. The cards can be printed out in an accuracy that corresponds to a scale of up to 1: 1250 of a normal card.

The Ordnance Survey indicates that the data of the available version of the software is never out of date. At the end of 2009 there were more than 450 million TOIDs forgive. [20]

The switch to digital products has led to a noticeable increase in sales of the Ornance Survey. In 2004 he only achieved 18% of his sales with traditional printed products, the other 82% were taken with digital products. [21]

The majority of public criticism of the Survey Ordernance focuses on the fact that this in fact has a monopoly on geographical data in the United Kingdom, [22] Although he acts like a trading company as a trading company. This means that on the one hand, he has to finance himself on the one hand by selling his data and the products derived from it, while on the other hand he is supposed to ensure the supply of the public with geographical data.

In 1985, an investigation commission was used to deal with geographical information (Committee of Enquiry into the Handling of Geographic Information) , which, taking into account market needs and modern developments in information technology, should advise the Environmental Secretary for the Secretary of State in the UK within two years. The final report was published in 1987. [23] The report emphasized the importance of extensive geographical information and recommended a relaxation of government policy in relation to the distribution of information and cost recovery of the provision.

In March 2006 the technology department of the newspaper The Guardian started a campaign for free access to the data (Free Our Data) , who, according to the United States, demanded free availability of the raw data and also the data collections financed by public funds for private and commercial purposes. Among other things, the Ordnance Survey encountered this campaign with the argument that the quality of freely available map material in the USA was not particularly high due to lack of funds, and that former public financing hardly affects the current material. [24]

On April 7, 2006, the responsible for the management of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Office of Public Sector Information (Opsi) a complaint of the in England and
Wales registered data management company Intelligent Addressing One whose criticisms the Opsi not all, but mostly took on. One point of criticism was that the Ornance Survey operates a license policy that unnecessarily limits the competition. [25] Although the negotiations between the parties involved continued, there was no obligation for the survey to follow the recommendations of the Opsi.

In August 2007, the Ornance Surnance commissioned the political lobby company Mandate Communications [26] [27] With the support in the defense of the Free-Data -campaign and research which politicians and consultants supported his point of view. [28]

In November 2009, Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced that Ordnance Survey data “medium resolution” would also be made accessible for free use from April 2010. [29] On December 23, 2009, advice began Department of Communities and Local Government .

Access to historical maps [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Historical products of the Ordnance Surnance are generally available because the company is subject to the crown copyright: works with the age of more than 50 years, including the historical recordings of the UK and Ireland as well as a large part of the New Popular Edition are in common. Nevertheless, the difficulty is to find adequate historical templates, since the Ordnance Survey does not offer any of these cards on a freely usable basis, but also sells digitally prepared products in cooperation with the Landmark company. This is in contrast, for example, the current approach of the Republic of Ireland, whose order not only uses regular copyright law on their printed cards, but also on the digital reproduction of historical maps.

Preliminary remark: Some of the individually in the History section were inserted afterwards. Most of the information listed here can be found in the section History About the history of the survey on his official homepage .

  1. The Ordnance Survey is only responsible for Great Britain and to a certain extent for the Isle of Man. Northern Ireland, although part of the United Kingdom, is captured by its own government agency, the Survey of Northern Ireland Ordnance
  2. Ordnance means artillery and Survey Not only measurement, but also military education
  3. S.C. Fenwick: Corps History – Part 3: The Corps of Engineers (1716–1832). Ordnance Survey – 1747. Archived by Original am February 20, 2010 ; Retrieved on January 9, 2010 .
  4. Paul Hindle: Maps for Historians . Phillimore & Co, 1998, ISBN 0-85033-934-0, S. 114–115 .
  5. Hamstreet, Kent: Smugglers, stamps and the Saxon Shore. Archived by Original am January 8, 2010 ; accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  6. British Isles Maps and Views. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 (Map And Plan Collection Online (MAPCO)).
  7. Paul Hindle: Maps for Historians . Phillimore & Co, 1998, ISBN 0-85033-934-0, S. 117 .
  8. Ordnance Survey. In: The Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford University Press, 2007, archived from Original am 30. April 2010 ; Retrieved on January 9, 2010 .
  9. A brief history of Ordnance Survey. Archived by Original am 27. October 2006 ; Retrieved on January 9, 2010 . Info: The archive link has been used automatically and not yet checked. Please check original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. @first @2 Template: Webachiv/Iabot/www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk Template: Cite Web/Temporary
  10. The law dealt with the conversion of the tenth tenth in the form of natural ones into a tithing paid with money. For this purpose, the respective possessions of the tenths had to be recorded, in particular the forest and agricultural goods. This was carried out on the basis of cards on which they were recorded.
  11. a b Ordnance Survey. Everything2, Retrieved on January 9, 2010 .
  12. Paul Hindle: Maps for Historians . Phillimore & Co, 1998, ISBN 0-85033-934-0, S. 131–132 .
  13. Final report of the departmental committee on the ordnance survey. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 (Catalog entry of the National Library of Australia Collection).
  14. Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives. Retrieved on January 9, 2010 .
  15. Ordnance Survey breaks ground at Adanac Park. Ordnance survey, April 3, 2009, archived from Original am 5. October 2009 ; accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  16. New head office, Explorer House, at Adanac Park on the outskirts of Southampton officially opened by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, on 4 October 2011
  17. Paper Maps: Ordnance Survey Great Britain. Retrieved on January 10, 2010 .
  18. Ed Field: Illustrated Guide to Ordnance Survey Maps: 1:625 000 ‘Travel Map – Route’ Series (2002–2008). Retrieved on January 10, 2010 .
  19. Additions Cyklos marginal guide England. Retrieved on March 25, 2013 .
  20. What is OS MasterMap. Archived by Original am 5. October 2009 ; Retrieved on January 10, 2010 .
  21. Paul Brown: Devil is in the detail as OS maps out the future. The Guardian, March 8, 2004, Retrieved on January 10, 2010 .
  22. Charles Arthur and Michael Cross: Give us back our crown jewels. The Guardian, March 9, 2006, Retrieved on January 10, 2010 .
  23. R.R.E. Chorley: Handling Geographic Information. Report of the Committee of Enquiry chaired by Lord Chorley . Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London 1987.
  24. Free Our Data: Articles: the Ordnance Survey official response. The Guardian, accessed on January 8, 2010 (Citation: There is no such thing as free data , an allusion to there is no search thing as a free lunch).
  25. OPTION: Office of Public Sector Information: Report on its investigation of a complaint (SO 42/8/4): Intelligent Addressing and Ordnance Survey. (PDF; 115 kB) Accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  26. Mandate Communications. Accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  27. Greg Clark: Ordnance Survey: Mandate Communications. Accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  28. Michael Cross: Ordnance Survey hires PR company to lobby politicians. The Guardian, 21. August 2008, accessed on January 8, 2010 .
  29. Ordnance Survey to open up data – PM. November 17, 2009, archived from Original am January 22, 2010 ; accessed on January 8, 2010 .
