George Tomlinson (clergyman) – Wikipedia


George Tomlinson (Born March 12, 1794 in Lancashire, † February 6, 1863 in Gibraltar) [first] was a British clergyman of the Anglican Church and its first since 1842 „Lord Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe“ With a second seat in Malta and responsibility for the entire European continent.


Right Reverend Tomlinson, from the old Welsh family, visited the St. Saviour’s Grammar School and studied from October 16, 1818 at St. John’s College in Cambridge. In 1820 he founded the Cambridge Apostles, an elitist, intellectual secret covenant at the University of Cambridge, formed based on the Freemasonry Freemasonry. [2] [3] On April 18, 1822, he completed his studies with the Bachelor of Arts, [4] made the Master of Arts in 1826 and finally received a doctorate in theology in 1842.

From 1831 to 1842 he was secretary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. He started his career as a clergyman as the chaplain of the Bishop of London, then he was a court champion in Sir Robert Peel’s family. From 1832 to 1842 he was a pastor of St. Matthew’s Chapel on the street Spring Gardens in Westminster (London). [5]

On August 24, 1842, he received his ordination in Westminster Abbey and was introduced to his office as “Lord Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe” on November 6, 1842 with a salary of 1,200 English pounds. In April 1843 he went on the trip to Malta, for which he was also responsible, and reached Gibraltar on August 3, 1843, where he has since been in the cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Cathedral of the Holy Trinity) , the diocese of the diocese in Europe. [6] He held this position on February 6, 1863 until his death. He was the first Anglican bishop of Gibraltar and in this function responsible for all members of his faith community living or traveling outside of Great Britain. [7] That is why he was chairman of a church committee in Bad Kissingen around 1860, which had an Anglican church built in the Bavarian State Bad from 1855, which was finally consecrated after seven years of construction and without exception financed by donations in 1862.

Tomlinson married in the first marriage on November 21, 1848 at Eaglescairnie Castle (Lothian (Scotland)) Louisa Stuart (Born October 15, 1815, † September 15, 1850), the oldest daughter of the later general Sir Patrick Stuart (1777–1855) on Eaglescairnie, Großkreuz-Ritter of the Order of St. Michael and St. George and former governor of Malta, and the Catharine-Henrietta Rodney (1791–1870). [8] In the second marriage, he married on January 6, 1855 in the St. James’ district of London Eleanor Jane Mackenzie-Fraser († October 22, 1858), the daughter of Colonel Charles Mackenzie-Fraser (1792–1871), Lord on Castle Fraser and Inverallochy in Aberdeenshire (Scotland), and the Jane hay . [9] The couple moved to Malta, where the three children were born. When Tomlinson died in February 1863, his three small children Eleanor (born March 21, 1856, † April 4, 1944), George (born April 16, 1857) and Mary (born May 10, 1858) became full.

On Malta, Tomlinson serves his service in the capital Valletta in the Procathedral St. Paul, where a memorial is still reminiscent of him today. There is an oil portrait painted by Lowes Cato Dickinson (1819-1908). [ten]

His astronomical and archaeological records are now archived in a special library of the University of Aberdeen. [11]

  • On the royal names and titles on the sarcophagus in the British Museum, formerly called the tomb of Alexander , in: Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature , Band 2, 1834
  • On the astronomical ceiling of the Memnonium at Thebes , in: Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature , Band 3, 1839
  • On a royal Egyptian coffin in the British Museum , in: Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature , Band 3, 1839
  • On the Flaminian obelisk , in: Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature , Series 2, Volume 1, 1843, page 176–191 ( Digitized )
  • Church of England. Diocese of Gibraltar. Bishop Tomlinson George , a charge delivered to the clergy of the Diocese and Jurisdiction of Gibraltar at the visitation held in the English Collegiate Church of St. Paul Malta December 28th 1844, Francis & John Rivington, 1845, Neudruck: Pranava Books, 2007
  • Thomas Baker, John Eyton Bickersteth Mayor: History of the College of St. John the evangelist, Cambridge , Volume 2, 1869, page 975 ( Digitized in the Google book search)
  1. Malta Family History – Other sources call February 7th or 9th.
  2. A Cambridge secret revealed: the Apostles
  3. Benedikt Mandl: Secret associations in Cambridge: The illustrious dozen , in: Manager Magazin Online , 2005
  4. William Scott, Francis Garden, James Bowling Mozley: The Christian remembrancer , Volume 4, 1822, page 315 ( Digitized in the Google book search)
  5. Frederic Boase: Modern English biography , Volume 3, Verlag Frank Cass, 1965, page 1885 ( abstract in the Google book search)
  6. Cathedral of The Holy Trinity, Gibraltar ( Memento from June 29, 2007 in Internet Archive )
  7. Henry Joseph Corbett Knight: The diocese of Gibraltar; a sketch of its history, work and tasks ( online )
  8. Sylvanus Urban: The Gentleman’s Magazine , 1855, page 305 ( Digitized in the Google book search)
  9. The Bishop of Gibraltar , in: Illustrated London News of March 28, 1863, Volume 42, page 363 ( Digitized in the Google book search)
  10. National Portrait Gallery
  11. National Register of Archives
