Joseph of Jesus Pire Rodriguez – Wikipedia


Kardinal Pimiento Rodriguez

Kardinalswappen von José de Jesús Pepiento Rodriguez

José de Jesús Kardinal Pimiento Rodriguez (* 18. februar 1919 in Zapococa; † 3. SEPTEmber 2019 in Floridablanca [first] ) was a Colombian spiritual and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manizales. Since the death of Loris Francesco Capovilla on May 26, 2016, he was the oldest living cardinal, [2] Since Jan van Cauwelaert’s death on August 18, 2016, he has also been the oldest bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, which was elderly served after Aweihedatum.


José de Jesús Pimiento Rodriguez began his priestly training at the San Gil priest seminar, where he studied philosophy from 1936 to 1937. From 1938 to 1941 he studied theology at the Bogotá priest seminar and received the ordination on December 14, 1941 by Ismael Perdomo Borrero, then Archbishop of Bogotá. He initially worked in pastoral care, including at the Cathedral of San Gil. From 1943 to 1944 he was a teacher at the seminar of the diocese of Socorro y San Gil. He has worked for the Catholic campaign since 1947.

Pope Pius XII. appointed him to the Auxiliary Bishop in Pasto and Titular Bishop of Apollonis . The Archbishop of Bogotá, Crisanto Cardinal Luque Sánchez, donated the bishop’s consecration on August 28 of the same year. Consecrators were the bishop of Pasto, Emilio Botero González, and the Bishop of Socorro y San Gil, Pedro José Rivera Mejía.

Pope John XXIII. appointed him Bishop of Montería on December 30, 1959. He took part in all four session periods of the second Vatican Council.

Pope Paul VI. appointed him to the Bishop of Garzón-Neiva on February 29, 1964. On May 22, 1975, Pope Paul VI appointed him. to the Archbishop of Manizales. From 1972 to 1978 he was President of the Colombian Bishops’ Conference. Before that, he was there, among other things, president of the Episcopal Commission for Faith and Moral Questions. He managed to strengthen the pastoral life in the Archdiocese of Manizal by implementing reforms of the second Vatican Council. He also founded a center for evangelization and catechism.

On October 15, 1996, Pope John Paul II accepted his age -related resignation. Subsequently, Pimiento Rodriguez worked as a missionary in the diocese of APARTADó. From 2001 to 2003 he was an apostolic administrator of his home bishopric Socorro y San Gil. He last lived in Bucaramanga.


In the ceremonial consistory of February 14, 2015, Pope Francis took him in absence as a cardinal priest with the title church San Giovanni Chrisostomo [3] in the Cardinal College. On February 28th of the same year, he received the Red Birett and the cardinal ring by Rubén Salazar Cardinal Gómez and the Apostolic Nuncian Ettore Balestrero in his Colombian homeland.

Cardinal Pimiento Rodriguez died on September 3, 2019 at the consequences of a heart attack suffered a few days earlier. [4]

  1. The oldest cardinal in the world dies in Santander. El Tiempo, 3. SEPTEMBER 2019, accessed on September 4, 2019 (Spanish).
  2. 100-year-old cardinal died., May 26, 2016, accessed on May 27, 2016 .
  3. Public ordinary Constoror: assignment of securities or diaconies. In: Daily bulletin. Press Office of the Holy Chair, February 14, 2015, accessed on February 14, 2015 (Italian).
  4. The oldest cardinal in the world died in Colombia: leading figure in the drug war. Domradio, 4. September 2019, accessed on September 4, 2019 .
  5. Members of the order among the new cardinals. (PDF; 717 kB) In: Newsletter N° XXXVIII. Order of knights from the Holy Grave to Jerusalem, April 2015, S. , Retrieved on April 24, 2015 .
