Liselot Boys – Wikipedia


Liselotte Brüne (Born January 28, 1916 in Montevideo, Uruguay, † September 11, 2016 in Munich) [first] was a German physiotherapist. Their importance for physiotherapy lies in the further development of Johannes Ludwig Schmitts Atemandassage to an independent treatment method, the “reflective breathing therapy” (council). [2]


After training as a physiotherapy center from 1936 to 1938 at the State Institute for Physiotherapy and Massage in Dresden under the direction of Arno Arnold, she practiced from 1938 to 1945 in the areas of internal medicine and surgery in Dresden. In 1949 Brüne came to the naturopathic clinic of Johannes Ludwig Schmitt in Munich as a patient, where she gained experience with breathing massage and yoga. From 1960 until Schmitt’s death in 1964, Brüne worked as his freelancer in his clinic in Munich. Brüne developed Schmitt’s breathing massage under his direction and supplemented the manual techniques with special breathing exercises. This is how her holistic therapy approach was created. [3] [4] Liselotte Brüne justified her therapeutic approach almost simultaneously like Ilse Middendorf the method of “experienced breath”. Both are part of a generation of therapists of the West, which also incorporated the development of their therapy directions of the Far Eastern practice paths. [5]

After one year at the University of Munich, Brüne settled in his own practice in Munich in 1963. [2] From 1965 she was a founding member of the “Working Group at Interest Therapy” in the German Association for Physiotherapy (ZVK). She built a course program to impart the Reflective respiratory therapy and training of teaching therapists and trained therapists in Germany until 1997. [2] In 1977 her book was published Reflective respiratory therapy . In 2000, the Association for Reflectorary Breath Therapy e.V.

“Reflective breathing therapy” is used, especially with health problems with the airways. [5] It is also used in clinical physiotherapy, e.g. in the University Hospital Mannheim. [6]

In 2003 Liselotte Brüne became the Federal Cross of Merit for the development, maintenance and further development of the treatment method Reflective respiratory therapy awarded. [2]

  • Reflective respiratory therapy. With a guide from Dieter Walk. Thieme, Stuttgart 1977; 3rd edition 1994; New edition, with Bettina Bickel: Pflaum, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-7905-1064-5.
  1. Authority , Süddeutsche Zeitung, September 14, 2016, Sz commemorative, accessed on September 14, 2016.
  2. a b c d Lieselotte Brüne, born 1916 , in: Chrioff Zalpour (ed.): Springer Lexicon Physiotherapy of A – Z Vol. 1st, Springer Verlag, second edition, Berlin/Heidelberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-38913-9, p. 196
  3. Katrin Dorothee accommodate: Effectiveness of outpatient long -term rehabilitation for patients with chronically obstructive lung disease -a randomized -controlled study , Dissertation at the Medical Faculty of the University of Hamburg 2013, PDF p. 11
  4. Gabriele Härtig: Reflective respiratory therapy : In: Giselela Ebelt-Paprotny, Guddrun Taxhet, Ursula Sapplehost (HRsg.): Guide physiotherapy , Elsevier, 7th edition, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-437-45165-2, pp. 280f.
  5. a b Christof Jänicke, Jörg Grünwald: Alternatively heal , Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-7742-8777-8, pp. 266, 269
  6. Reflective respiratory therapy , University Medical Center Mannheim
