Secondary school leaving certificate – Wikipedia


The Secondary school leaving certificate (also Vocational training maturity or Vocational maturity – Depending on the federal state), the first general school leaving certificate is in Germany. [first] “The secondary school leaving certificate is used to take up dual vocational training and continue to entitle the vocational training year and under certain conditions in vocational schools. He is also a prerequisite for later entry into certain technical schools and institutions of the second educational path. ” [first]


The secondary school leaving certificate is purchased at a school with a secondary school or a secondary school in the area of ​​secondary level I
“The secondary school leaving certificate will be given at the secondary school or in courses that provide this conclusion if at least sufficient performance is available in all subjects.” [first] The examination and training regulations of the respective federal state determine more precisely.

The following list indicates how a secondary school or comparable conclusion can be achieved in Germany. It should be noted that not all the paths listed in many federal states are possible.

A secondary school or comparable conclusion can be achieved in Germany

  • Enclosed by a higher degree, e.g. B. qualifying secondary school leaving certificate, medium ripeness,
  • By successfully completing a secondary school or a comprehensive school after the 9th and 10th grade.
  • in some federal states by transferring from the 9th to the 10th grade of a high school or a junior high school,
  • Due to the secondary school leaving examination according to the 9 or 10th grade of the secondary school,
  • Due to the non -school exam at a school that gave this degree,
  • By successfully completing a secondary school after the 10th grade in North Rhine-Westphalia as a so-called secondary school leaving certificate (type 10 a)
  • By passing an additional exam in the following vocational schools:

In the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein, an extended secondary school leaving certificate or the extended vocational training maturity can be acquired at the end of class 10. [first] The latter entitles – with the corresponding qualification note – to enter the upper school secondary level II.

In the end year 2016, 173,293 (2015: 170,731) students ended their schooling time with a secondary school leaving certificate. This was 15% of a year in 2015 (22% in 2005). The girls’ quota was around 40%. Around 73,000 students attended secondary schools, around 23,000 integrated comprehensive schools, and around 44,000 other general education schools and around 31,000 vocational schools. [2] [3]

In the end year 2016, 49,200 students ended their school career without a secondary school leaving certificate. 6% of a year was not able to acquire at least one secondary school leaving certificate. The proportion is above average in all East German federal states. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 9.2% of a year left school without a secondary school leaving certificate, in Saxony-Anhalt 9.6%. Lower Saxony has the slightest rate with 4.9% and Hesse with 5.1%. The nationwide rate has fallen significantly since 2010 [4] [5] , but after the minimum in 2012 of 5.6% rose slightly again. [6]

  1. a b c d KMK: Agreement on school types and courses in the secondary area
  2. Federal Office of Statistics: Graduates/graduates according to the final type. Accessed on September 8, 2018 .
  3. Federal Office of Statistics: 3.4.3 Acquisition of general education deals at general education and vocational schools. In: Statistical yearbook. 2017, accessed on September 8, 2018 .
  4. Destatis: Schools at a glance 2018 . Ed.: Federal Statistical Office. May 2018, S. 34 .
  5. Federal Statistical Federal Office: Schools at a glance – brochure – edition 2012 (Page 34)
  6. Caritas Germany: Education opportunities 2017. Accessed on September 8, 2018 .
