Society for Mittellöwen – Wikipedia


Society for Mittellöwen
Logo mittelloewen.svg
Purpose: BurgerLiche Corpation
Chair: Daniel Hoffet (President)
Foundation date: A 1430/40
Number of members: 1010
Seat: Society for Mittellöwen
Amthausgasse 4–6
3011 Bern
Switzerland Switzerland
Website: mittoloewen

The company house for Mittellöwen at Amthausgasse 6 in Bern (2020)

The Society for Mittellöwen is one of the 13 companies and guilds in the city of Bern and the constitution of the canton of Bern [first] Guaranteed public corporation. It is a burger corporation in the sense of the Bernese municipal network [2] And is subject to the supervision of the cantonal authorities. As a staff body, it does not have its own territory and is taxable. It comprises all burgers of Bern who have corporate law to Mittellöwen.


The beginnings of the Bernese parlor company to the (medium) red lion are largely in the dark. According to the coat of arms (walking lion with a tanner knife), the room was founded to the red lion, in addition to the then existing Upper and Niedergerberstuben, as a crafted tanny room. A statement by the rebellious butcher and later Schultheissen Peter Kistler, however, is able to illuminate the reasons for the emergence of a third Gerberstube in Bern if he attacked the Bernese noble families in 1467 in the Grand Council. The nobles of Berns pushed into the craft Venner societies in order to get to the important offices of the city: Yes, a nüwe Stuben is thrown out, so that they belong to the master’s masters, and are still all junk. This is … to mines zyten … happened, as Kistler notes. In the oldest directories there are no tanks, but nobles, notes, large clerks, hosts and specialized professions such as writers, pharmacists and artists. This suggests a foundation of the room to the red lion as a patrician company around 1430/40. The earliest, well -known documentary mention of the parlor to the Red Lion can be found in the will of the jug of Kannengiesser Hans von Miltenberg from 1461. [3]

In 1722 Pierre Isaac Bouquet from Rolle acquired the Gasthof zum Goldenen Falken, today’s company house, around £ 32,000. [4] Before that, Mittellöwen owned the Kramgasse 81 house in Bern. The golden falcon was considered the most important inn in ancient Bern. Until the 19th century, large Dîner and balls took place almost exclusively in the Hotel Falken in honor of important personalities. Emperor Joseph II, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Giacomo Casanova and Empress Josephine are called the long list of illustrious hotel guests. In 1908 the house was converted into a commercial building.

  • Adrian I of Bubenberg († 1479), knight, baron zu Spiez, Schultheiss of Bern
  • Wolfgang Musculus (1497–1563), theologian, reformer
  • Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg (1771–1844), economist, educator
  • Rodolphe Lindt (1855-1909), chocolate factory
  • Markus Feldmann (1897–1958), diplomat, Federal Council

Stub toilet of society lied to the mitles (around 1496), State Archives of the Canton of Bern
  • Hans bleeding: The hotel for falcon , in: Bernese magazine for history and local history, No. 19 (1957), pp. 145–156. Doi: 10.5169/seals-243420
  • François de Capitani: Nobility, citizens and guilds in the Bern of the 15th century. Stämpfli, Bern 1982, ISBN 3-7272-0491-5.
  • François de Capitani: The Bernese guild to center from the Reformation to Revolution (= History of the Bernese guild to center. Vol. 2). Country to Mittellöwen, Bern 1985.
  • The company house for Mittellöwen in the 20th century (= History of the Bernese company to Mittellöwen. Vol. 5), Gesellschaft zu Mittellöwen, Bern 2015.
  • Manuel Kehrli: The guild to center. In: The food worm. No. 43, 2006, pp. 17-18.
  • Manuel Kehrli: From the history of society to Mittellöwen , 2015 online (PDF, 563 KB)
  • Rudolf Münger, Alfred Zesiger: The central new booklet. Francke, Bern 1919.
  • Margrit Rageth-Fritz: The golden falcon. The most famous inn in the old Bern. The guild house to center , Bern 1987.
  • Philipp Stämpfli: Record and count: necessity and pride. The elaborately designed burger toilet of Mittellöwen in Bern . In: Librarium. Journal of the Swiss Bibliophilia Society . Band sixty one , 2018, S. 24–26 , doi: 10.5169/seals-763024 .
  • Harald Wanner: Legal historical considerations on the company statutes of the company to Mittellöwen in Bern from 1567. Polygraphic society, Laupen 1928.
  • Robert Ludwig Wyss: The golden and silversmith work of the Bernese guild (= History of the Bernese guild to center. Vol. 4). Country to Mittellöwen, Bern 1985.
  • Robert Ludwig Wyss: Craftsmanship in gold and silver. The silver dishes of the Bernese guilds, societies and burger associations , Bern 1996.
  • Markus Wyttenbach: The Bernese guild for the center of the 19th and 20th centuries (= History of the Bernese guild to center. Vol. 3). Country to Mittellöwen, Bern 1986.
  • Urs Martin Zahnd: The Bernese guild for the center of the late Middle Ages (= History of the Bernese guild to center. Vol. 1). Country to Mittellöwen, Bern 1984.
  • Alfred Zesiger: The company to be medium. In: New Bernese paperback on 1908 , S. 199–299, doi:10.5169/seals-128331
  • Alfred Zesiger: The room for red/guldines Mittlen-Löüwen: a look back at the history of the first five centuries. To the inauguration of the new guild room in the falcon on March 10, 1908 , Bern 1908. DOI: 10.3931/E-RARA-73184

