1988 Virginia Slims of San Diego – Doubles

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1988 tennis event results

Jana Novotná and Catherine Suire were the defending champions but did not compete that year.

Patty Fendick and Jill Hetherington won in the final 7–6, 6–4 against Betsy Nagelsen and Dianne van Rensburg.

Champion seeds are indicated in bold text while text in italics indicates the round in which those seeds were eliminated.

  1. United States Betsy Nagelsen / South Africa Dianne van Rensburg (final)
  2. South Africa Rosalyn Fairbank / United States Gretchen Magers (semifinals)
  3. United Kingdom Jo Durie / United States Sharon Walsh-Pete (semifinals)
  4. United States Patty Fendick / Canada Jill Hetherington (champions)


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