Military Office Order (Bavaria) – Wikipedia

Großkreuz with swords
Breast stars to the big cross with swords
IV class with swords

The Military Order of the Kingdom of Bavaria was donated on July 19, 1866 by the Bavarian King Ludwig II during the German War and was given to all persons who had recognized themselves in the war or had acquired other services to the Bavarian army, which, however, have the conditions for awarding the military -Max-Joseph order not fulfilled.

The ruling monarch was the grand master of the order and his Minister of War of Grand Chancellor. Unlike the Hubertus Order, the George Order, the Military Max Joseph Order and the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown, the Military Order of Earnity was not shown in the state coat of arms.

1866–1900 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The order initially consisted of five classes and the providers of the Military Cross of Merit:

From March 12, 1891, the religious sign was also able to be awarded with swords. Belonged from the wars in 1866 and 1870/71 were able to search for the support of the swords to be obtained.

1900–1905 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 1900 the officer cross was founded, which divided the order into:

1905–1913 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 1905 the class was reorganized, with the previous division of the knight’s crosses in the knight of the 1st and the 2nd class by creating the III. and IV class was canceled:

  • Large cross
  • I. Class
  • II. Class with star
  • II. Class
  • Officers’ cross
  • III. Class
  • IV. Class
    • Owner of the Military Cross of Merit:
  • 1st class (execution: cross golden, medallion enamel)
  • II. Class (execution: Silber’s cross, medallion enamellona)

1913–1918 [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

In 1913 the Military Cross of Merit III. Class introduced. From this point on, all levels of the Military Cross of Military Merit and the lower classes of the Military Order of Military Service to the officers’ Cross were also able to be awarded. The order now divided into:

  • Large cross
  • I. Class
  • II. Class with the star
  • II. Class
  • Officer cross with crown
  • Officers’ cross
  • III. Class with crown (execution: blue, medallion enamel, flames golden)
  • III. Class
  • IV class with crown (execution: blue, medallion enamel, flames silver)
  • IV. Class
Military Cross of Merit 1st class with swords
Military Cross II. Class with crown and swords, on the so -called Civil servant
Military Cross III. Class with swords
    • Owner of the Military Cross of Merit:
  • 1st class with crown (execution: cross golden, medallion enamel)
  • I. Class
  • II. Class with a crown (execution: Silver cross, medallion enamel)
  • II. Class
  • III. Class with crown (execution: bronze color cross, medallion not enamelled)
  • III. Class

During the First World War, the opportunity to award crown was also extended to the Großkreuz as well as the 1st and 2nd class of the order from April 1918.

The order sign of the Order of Military Merit consists of a golden, dark blue enamelled Johanniterkreuz with flames in the angles. The cross of the IV class is made of silver. On the cross, a gold -faced black medallion with golden rests L Under the royal crown. A white, gold -decorated ripe closes around the medallion, with the order of the order Merit (Earnings) in gold. The Bavarian Löwen is located in gold on the reversed medallion and the year on the medallion ready 1866 .

In the appearance of the Military Cross of Merit is the same as the order sign of the Order of Military Serving, but the flames in the cross of the cross are eliminated in all three classes. The 1st class is made of silver and gold -plated, the 2nd class made of bronze and silver -plated. Crosses of Military Crosses of the 1st and II class are only enamelled in the medallion. The III. Class consists of bronze or a bronze zinc embodiment and is not enamelled in the medallion.

Order band for military services

The Großkreuz and the 1st class were awarded with shoulder band and breaststers. The 2nd class was a necks, which, however, – in the level II. Class with the star – could also be awarded with a breast star. The officers’ cross was a plug decoration in which the lower cross is extended. The III. and IV class as well as all classes of the Military Cross of Military Cross were worn on the left side of the chest by means of the band.

The volume of the Order of Military Earnity differs according to military earnings (white with black and white blue sidecropes and white edges), civil merits (white with blue hard strips and white edges) and merits of civil servants or for the state (the so-called Civil servant : white with black side and blue median strips).

The following award figures can be determined from the Matricelists of the Bavarian War Archives:

Class Lends
Großkreuz with swords 42
Large cross 164
Large committee with swords 66
Large -scale 215
Comment with swords 173
Comment 574
Officer cross with swords 5
Officers’ cross 98
Ritter 1st class with swords 465
Ritter I. Class 1.140
Ritter II. Class with swords can not be determined
Ritter II. Class can not be determined
Class Lends
Großkreuz with the crown and swords 2
Großkreuz with swords on the tape for civilians 4
Großkreuz with swords 82
Großkreuz on the tape for war earnings 3
Large cross 44
1st class with the crown and swords 2
1st class with swords on the band for civilians 4
1st class with swords 139
1st class on gang for war earnings first
I. Class 70
II. Class with the star with the crown and swords 5
II. Class with the star with swords on the band for civilians ten
II. Class with the star with swords 268
II. Class with the star on the band for civilians 4
II. Class with the star 150
II. Class with swords on the band for civilians 23
II. Class with swords 355
II. Class on the tape on the tape for civilians 7
II. Class 220
Officer cross with swords 243
Officers’ cross 186
III. Class with the crown and swords on the band for civilians 28
III. Class with the crown and swords 517
III. Class with the crown on the band for civilians ten
III. Class with the crown 19
III. Class with swords on the band for civilians 44
III. Class with swords 834
III. Class on the tape for civilians 19
III. Class 612
IV class with the crown and swords on the band for civilians 112
IV class with the crown and swords 3.042
IV class with the crown on the band for civilians 59
IV class with the crown 601
IV class with swords on the band for civilians 544
IV class with swords 24.141
IV class on the band for civilians 170
IV. Class 1.108

Despite the end of the monarchy on November 7, 1918 and the proclamation of the Free State of Bavaria, religious was handled until 1921.

The religious sign was liable to return after the death of the loaned return.

  • Georg Schreiber: The Bavarian orders and badges of honor. Prestel, Munich 1964.
  • Arnhard Graf Klenau: Order in Germany and Austria. Volume II. Verlag Graf Klenau GmbH, Offenbach 2008, ISBN 978-3-937064-13-0, pp. 128–137.