Sarns – Wikipedia

Sarns (Italian: Sarnes ) is a small faction of the municipality of Brixen in the South Tyrolean Eisack Valley in Italy. The location is on the Eisack and has around 300 inhabitants.

Make [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sarns is about 3 kilometers south of the city center of Brixen. [first] At 600 meters above sea level, the small village is approx. 40 meters above the Brixner city center and can be reached on foot in about 45 minutes on foot. The faction lies on a slope on the eastern side of the Eisack bank.

Neighboring towns [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sarns borders north on Milland and south of Albins. In the west, the Mahr is located beyond the Eisack and northeast above Sarn, on the slopes of the Plose, St. Andrä.

Near Sarns there is a path named after Franz von Interrich. Order (1775–1867) was a South Tyrolean poet, lawyer and politician, as well as a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly.

Sarns was the summer residence of the high clergy of Brixen very early. Many bishops used the calm in Sarns. Sarns was a parish with Albins for a long time, but it was in 1986, including by the emeritated bishop Karl Golser, declared an independent parish. The 25th anniversary was celebrated in the village on November 6, 2011.

In 1928, the city of Brixen, which was previously independent of Milland-Sarn.

Parish church of St. Sebastian in Sarns [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The parish church of St. Sebastian in Sarns was built in 1502 AD by Johann Matthäus Punter and consecrated to St. Sebastian in 1510. The church tower made in Brixner Granite was completed in 1483 and was reproduced in Brixen. The altars are neo -Gothic and date from the years around 1870. At the high altar, sculptures and six are formed by Master Leonhard (third quarter of the 15th century), which formed busts, which the St. Oswald, St. Albuin, the Saint Katharina, to see the Holy Agnes, as well as Charlemagne to the Great. On the high altar above the confessional there are two beautiful wooden sculptures of the Madonna with the child, who are also attributed to master Leonhard von Brixen. The pictures of the Way of the Cross date from the 18th century and the organ dates from the years around 1870. [2] Furthermore, some beautiful tombstones of old aristocratic families can also be seen.

Pallaus [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Pallaus residence was located in 1497-1515 by the brothers Nikolaus and Hans Palaus (also Pallaus ) built at the site of an old residential tower and in the outer forms of a high -medieval castle. [3] After they had given him an agricultural property in the form of a original bar that was not previously available, they were given permission, which was made to the place of residence Feces and itself Palauser von Palaus to call. The family resided here until 1824. During the Tyrolean Freedom Wars, it served as the headquarters of the French troops [4] And is the only castle that escaped the french of the French of December 6, 1809. In 1860–1875, the conversion was converted by Carl von organizers. 1995–1998 the Schmidhammer family restored the castle. It is privately owned.

Seat Campan [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Campan residence is located at the foot of a hill under the Pallaus residence. It is under monument protection and can be reached from Sarns via a forest path in around 10 minutes. Campan was originally a Maierhof of the Prince -Bishops of Brixen, who was already in 1288 in the Urban Urbar Graf Meinhard II. “Data Compannation” mentioned. [5] The homestead was later freezing and has been in the family ownership of the von Interrich family for about two centuries, which still lives there. It was destroyed by a fire in 1860 and later rebuilt. Furthermore, the castle offers premises such as B. atria, staircases and a palace chapel. [6] Apartments are made available for guests and travelers.

Schloss Ratzötz [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Parte for Francis Macnutt, January 7, 1928

Ratzötz Castle near Sarn was first mentioned in the 13th century and was looted and destroyed by the French in the Tyrolean people in 1809. Subsequently, it served as a farmhouse before it was completely restored. [7] In 1904 his owner Baron Ernst Schönberg sold the castle to the papal chamberlain and American Francis Macnutt (1863–1927) and his wife Margaret Odgen-Macnutt, who lived in the property in the summer months. The castle currently serves as a residence and is located on Plosestrasse towards Mellaun.

Club house with library [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The club house “Ferdinand Plattner” is located in the center of the village. There are the youth room for the youth of Sarns and the library, which also offers people who do not live in Sarns. Various festivals and meetings also take place there, as the club house has both a hall and a kitchen to offer.

Haus St. Georg [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The educational center is located near the village center and is surrounded by a large garden with thick walls. Its history goes back to the 13th century. Courses are held at regular intervals in the St. Georg house. It has four seminar rooms that are equipped with modern technology. [8] The Bildungshaus also offers space for festivals and buffets.

In Sarns, eleven objects are shown as monuments: [9]

  • The parish church of St. Sebastian with church square
  • Rural houses/farms (2): Pedoferer; Veitmoar in Moardorf
  • Urban houses (6): Large arbors 28 – large ditch 31; Large arbors 6 – large ditch 13; Parish square 2; Subdroned 11; Trattengasse 2; Lower Guardian Angelgasse 7
  • Seats (2): Hubenstein (Kofler); Vilseck

(See list of monuments in Brixen)

tourism [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Four of the Sarnser Höfe have the license plate “Roter Hahn”, which stands for “vacation on the farm”: the Rumlhof [ten] , The Bodnerhof, Kampan Castle and the Gartnerhof. [11] These courtyards offer accommodations. Sarns can be reached from the bike path, from which you can get to the village center. From Sarns you can then drive on the bike towards Albins and Klausen. On working days, a city bus goes to Brixen at a time interval of half an hour.

Agriculture [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sarns has several orchards, such as B. apple and strawberry plants, but also corn is grown. Furthermore, the cattle industry is very pronounced. Cows and cattle are kept at numerous courtyards.

Education [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Sarns has neither kindergarten nor public schools. The children can commute to the obvious Albins or Milland. The former school building was demolished and the club house was built at this point. Courses often take place in the St. Georg house.

With a Waldorf school (school at the Bühlerhof), which serves as elementary and middle school, there is a private educational offer.

Traffic [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The Route of the Brixner Citybus operates the Sarn parliamentary group, which means that Brixen can be reached quickly and easily by bus. To get to the city center by bus, you need about 10 minutes, and the car is about 5–7 minutes. The main street and the highway do not run through Sarns.

  • Ignaz Mader: The place names at St. Andräer-Berg near Brixen a. E. (including Milland, Sarns, Albein) (Schlern writings 31). Wagner: Innsbruck 1936.
  2. http://www.
  5. Oswald Zingerle (Hrsg.): Meinhards II. Urbar of the county of Tyrol. (Sources of Austriacarum, diplomataria and 55/1). Wien 1890, Abschn. 15, no. 54.
  7. ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in Internet Archive )
  10. teamBLAU, AM, MF FS: Rumlhof – Brixen – Vacation on the farm – Eisack Valley. Retrieved on February 23, 2020 .