ピーター・タウンゼント (社会学者) – Wikipedia


ピーター・タウンゼントPeter Brereton Townsend、1928年4月6日 – 2009年6月7日)は、イギリスの社会学者。




  • The Family Life of Old People: An Inquiry in East London, (Routledge & K. Paul, 1957).
山室周平監訳『居宅老人の生活と親族網――戦後東ロンドンにおける実証的研究』(垣内出版, 1974年)
服部広子・一番ヶ瀬康子訳『老人の家族生活――社会問題として』(家政教育社, 1974年)
  • The Last Refuge: A Survey of Residential Institutions and Homes for the Aged in England and Wales, (Routledge & K. Paul, 1962).
  • Poverty, Socialism, and Labour in Power, (Fabian Society, 1967).
  • The Social Minority, (Allen Lane, 1973).
  • Sociology and Social Policy, (Allen Lane, 1975).
  • Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Household Resources and Standards of Living, (University of California Press, 1979).
  • Hard Times: the Prospects for European Social Policy, (Liverpool University Press, 1992).
  • The International Analysis of Poverty, (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993).
  • A Poor Future: Can We Counter Growing Poverty in Britain and across the World?, (Lemos & Crane, 1996).


  • The Aged in the Welfare State: the Interim Report of a Survey of Persons Aged 65 and over in Britain, 1962 and 1963, with Dorothy Wedderburn, (G. Bell & Sons, 1965).
  • The Poor and the Poorest: A New Analysis of the Ministry of Labour’s Family Expenditure Surveys of 1953-54 and 1960, with Brian Abel-Smith, (G. Bell, 1965).
  • Health and Deprivation: Inequality and the North, with Peter Phillimore and Alastair Beattie, (Routledge, 1989).


  • The Concept of Poverty: Working Papers on Methods of Investigation and Life-styles of the Poor in Different Countries, (Heinemann Educational, 1970).
三浦文夫監訳『貧困の概念』(国際社会福祉協議会日本国委員会, 1974年)


  • Labour and Inequality: Sixteen Fabian Essays, co-edited with Nicholas Bosanquet, (Fabian Society, 1972).
  • Labour and Equality: A Fabian Study of Labour in Power, 1974-79, co-edited with Nick Bosanquet, (Heinemann, 1980).
  • Responses to Poverty: Lessons from Europe, co-edited with Robert Walker and Roger Lawson, (Heinemann, 1984).
  • World Poverty: New Policies to Defeat an Old Enemy, co-edited with David Gordon, (Policy Press, 2002).


